
密 惠 保
High-quality reversible image transform technology
Abstract:When a large amount of data is transmitted in cyberspace, how to encrypt the large-capacity information becomes a problem. Especially image information,image information is often vulnerable to attack due to the capacity expansion after encryption. In this paper, the image used for propagation in cyberspace is visually converted into another image through reversible imagetransformation technology to protect image data. At the same time, in order to realize the reversibility of the image conversion process, the sender will also embed additional information in the image. After receiving the image, the receiver can extract the additional information embedded in it by a certain method. By processing the additional information,the image can be restored to the original image of the secret image. In addition, in order to improve the quality of the hidden picture, the connection between the picture layer and layer or the adjacent pixels is further utilized to predict the pixel value to achieve the purpose of reducing the amount of additional information. In summary, this article will detail how to implement the transformation process from secret image to hidden image; how to reduce the amount of additional information generated by prediction and how to restore the secret image from the camouflage image. Through the above three aspects, it is possible to systematically grasp the process of encrypting image information using reversible image transformation.
Key words:reversible visual transformation;reversible data hiding;image camouflage, image encryption.
第一章 引言 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 本文研究目标及内容 2
1.3.1 研究目标 2
1.3.2 章节安排 2
第二章 相关技术简介 3
2.1 可逆图像变换技术简介 3
2.1.1 可逆图像变换技术原理 3
2.1.2 通过运用图像信息间的相关性优化可逆图像变换技术 3
2.2相关准备工作 3
2.2.1 预测算法简介 3
2.2.2聚类算法简介 6
2.2.3 算术编码算法简介 7
2.2.4 可逆水印方法简介 7
第三章 高质量可逆图像变换技术研究 9
3.1图像变换过程 9
3.1.1 变换思想概述 9
3.1.2 变换过程详解 9 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
3.1.3变换结果示例 14
3.2图像还原过程 14
3.2.1 还原思想概述 14
3.2.2还原过程详解 15
3.2.3还原结果示例 15
第四章 实验分析与比较 16
4.1 相关实验过程与数据 16
4.1.1 实验相关参数的介绍 16
4.1.2 实验过程与数据 16
第五章 总结与展望 31
参考文献: 32
致谢 34