
密 惠 保
关键字:即时通讯软件 网络编程 TCP/IP协议 Linux系统
Instant messaging platform design based on Linux system
Based on Linux system source code to the principles of openness and freedom of thought, let many software developers have a stable development environment.Linux network environment is very good, can provide better network construction and maintenance, its options freedom diversity in web development, so this topic is mainly to use Linux system to develop a real-time communication system.The system is mainly based on C/S architecture, network programming with the client and server interaction function to realize the people communication chat system.Server-side and client-side programming is the network interface using TCP/IP protocol, the protocol Socket can implement multiple client connection, so you can simulate the effect of information transfer between different roles.Saves the information using Sqlite is a small database, both to save the user information and communication records can also save the internal resources of the system.The design conforms to the present instant messaging system design idea, and developed on the basis of the original, better able to provide people with a good environment for the exchange of information.
Key words: Instant Messenger; Network Programming; TCP/IP;Linux Operating System
摘要 III
第一章 引言 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 目的和意义 1
1.3 论文结构 2
第二章 系统概况 3
2.1 系统功能 3
2.2 系统所用技术 3
2.2.1 Linux C网络编程 3
2.2.2 TCP/IP协议 4
2.2.3 Sqlite数据库 4
2.3 系统运行环境 5
第三章 Linux即时通讯平台的系统层次结构 6
3.1 系统总流程图 6
3.2 客户端 7
3.3 服务器端 8
第四章 即时通讯平台的功能设计 10
4.1 注册功能设计 10 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
4.2 登陆功能设计 10
4.3 私聊与群聊功能设计 10
4.4 文件传输功能设计 11
4.5 好友功能设计 11
4.6 聊天记录功能设计 11
4.7 账户信息管理功能设计 11
4.8 管理员权限功能设计 12
第五章 服务器与客户端通讯设计 13
5.1 Socket编程的连接 13
5.2 通讯程序设计 14
5.2.1 服务器的启动 14
5.2.2 功能展示 20
5.3 总结 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26 [资料来源:http://think58.com]