计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要


Truss is one of the most reasonable forms of stress in plane structures. Steel truss bridges constructed with prestressed concrete and cantilever have become one of the competition schemes for long-span bridges. With the development of economy, the traffic flow of various roads in China is increasing day by day, and the traffic load is also gradually increasing. Therefore, it is increasingly important to calculate and evaluate the carrying capacity of steel truss bridges. Based on the existing research results of bearing capacity, this paper evaluates the design and carrying capacity of 6×8 plain-supported highway truss bridges.
Firstly, this paper reviews the research data related to the evaluation of the bearing capacity of steel truss bridges, and sorts out the background and research status of the evaluation of the bearing capacity of steel truss bridges, and determines the research ideas and calculation methods for the evaluation of the bearing capacity of steel truss bridges. After that, using the finite element simulation software ANSYS to simulate the overall structure of the 6×8 highway-supported simple steel truss bridge, the process includes the determination of the component materials and section properties. After the start of the establishment of the node, the connection node constitutes a unit and imposes constraints. The types of loads are the bridge itself, the deck's own weight, and the road's Class I load. Firstly, apply a constant load to each rod to obtain the force distribution characteristics of various rods under the action of the dead load, and find the rods subjected to the maximum stress in each type of rods and their specific values, and then be subjected to the constant load stress. A live load is applied to the largest rod member to obtain the axial force, stress, and bending moment of the rod member under the load, and it is checked whether it satisfies the requirement. The bridge connection uses high-strength bolts, and some large-node designs use gusset plates. Because the bolt hole will weaken the cross-sectional area of the rod, when checking the strength of the rod, the net cross-sectional area is used for checking. In addition to the design of the gusset plate to meet its own strength, it is also necessary to check the tear strength of the gusset plate. The load capacity assessment includes the calculation of strength, stiffness and stability. This paper mainly checks the strength and stiffness of all members, and checks the stability of the lower chord, longitudinal beams and some vertical bars and diagonal webs.

The calculation results show that the lower chord, longitudinal beams, partial vertical rods and oblique web members are dangerous components. The steel truss bridges designed in this paper meet the requirements in terms of strength, stiffness and stability only under the self-weight and the highway I-level load, and there is still plenty of room for affluence。
Keywords: lower support simple steel truss bridge;assessment of carrying capacity;ANSYS modeling



第1章 绪论    1
1.1桥梁承载力研究的背景    1
1.2国内外桥梁承载力研究现状    1
1.2.1 人工巡检法    1
1.2.2 荷载试验评定法    2
1.2.3基于规范的评估方法    3
1.2.4基于可靠性理论的评估方法    3
1.3意义    3
1.4研究的主要内容    3
第2章    钢桁架桥承载力实用计算理论    5
2.1 轴压构件    5
2.1.1强度验算    5
2.1.2刚度验算    5
2.1.3整体稳定性验算    6
2.1.4局部稳定性验算    6
2.2 受弯构件    6
2.2.1 强度验算    6 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
2.2.2 刚度验算    7
2.2.3整体稳定性验算    7
2.2.4 局部稳定性验算    8
2.3 本章小结    8
第3章 钢桁架桥ANSYS模型模拟与初步计算    9
3.1 设计资料    9
3.1.1 工程概况    9
3.1.2 材料    9
3.1.3 荷载类型    9
3.1.4 构件截面尺寸    9
3.1.5截面几何参数计算    9
3.2 ANSYS模型模拟过程    10
3.2.1建立节点    10
3.2.2连接单元    11
3.2.3单元分组    12
3.2.4添加约束    13
3.3恒载计算    14
3.3.1恒载受力    14
3.3.2桥梁杆件自重    14
3.3.3行车道板和铺装层加荷    14
3.3.4求解后处理命令流    15
3.3.5恒载作用下杆件受力    15
3.4活载计算    20


3.5本章小结    21
第4章 钢桁架桥承载能力计算    23
4.1 计算内容    23
4.2 联结系计算    23
4.2.1 各个杆件所需螺栓数计算    23
4.2.2 节点板撕裂强度验算    28
4.3 强度计算    29
4.4 刚度计算    31
4.5整体稳定性计算    34
4.6局部稳定性计算    36
4.7本章小结    38
第5章 结论与展望    39
5.1结论    39
5.2展望    39
结束语    40
致谢    41
参考文献    42 [版权所有:http://think58.com]