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摘   要

The design of automobile clutch diaphragm spring
     Clutch motor in the drive train is directly connected to engine assembly, the main purpose is to cut and realize the transmission of power delivery, ensure that when the car started the engine and transmission joint smoothly, ensure smooth start of car; Separation in shifting the engine to the transmission system, reduce the impact between the transmission of shift gear; Work in a large dynamic load, to limit the transmission of torque capacity, to prevent the transmission parts damaged due to overload


     This article is based on the design requirements and design parameters of the car, determine the diaphragm spring clutch as the design goal. Diaphragm spring clutch torque capacity of the larger and more stable, convenient operation, good balance, can also be a large number of production, has become more and more important for its research. This design manual details the diaphragm spring clutch structure form, parameter selection and calculation process, and to check some parts: including the determination of friction disc diameter, clutch reserve coefficient of determination, the determination of unit pressure driven plate design, pressure plate design, design of diaphragm spring, etc., for the future lay a good foundation for the work in the automotive technology
    Key words: clutch;  Diaphragm spring;   Platen;  design


第1章 绪  论    1
1.1离合器的发展    2
1.2 研究现状    2
1.3 研究内容    3
第2章 离合器结构方案选取    3
2.1设计参数和结构要求    4
2.2 离合器结构设计    5
2.2.1 摩擦片的选择    6
2.2.2 压紧弹簧的结构形式及布置    6
2.2.3 压盘的驱动方式    7
        2.2.4 分离杠杆、分离轴承    7
第3章 离合器基本结构参数的确定    8
3.1摩擦片主要参数的选择    8
3.2离合器后备系数β的确定    9
3.3单位压力P的确定    10
第4章 离合器从动盘设计    11
4.1从动盘结构介绍    11
4.2 从动盘设计    12
4.2.1从动片的选择和设计    13
4.2.2 从动盘毂的设计    14


4.2.3 摩擦片的材料选取及与从动片的固紧方式    15
第5章 压盘的设计    16
5.1 压盘传力方式的选择    16
5.2 压盘的几何尺寸的确定    16
5.3 压盘传动片的材料选择    16
第6章 离合器膜片弹簧的设计和离合器盖的设计    17
6.1 膜片弹簧的结构特点    18
6.2 膜片弹簧的弹性变形特性    19
6.3 膜片弹簧的参数尺寸确定    20
    6.4离合器盖的设计    22
6.5传力片的设计    23
结  论    25
参考文献    26
致  谢    27 [版权所有:http://think58.com]