密 惠 保
现代化的医院也应该有现代化的管理系统。在科技日益发达的今天,人们的身体健康也在不断受到重视。因此,医院进行现代化管理就变得尤为重要。这里,我们以一个典型的医院病历管理系统的开发为例,来讲述如何建立一个实用的医院病历管理系统。本文介绍毕业设计课题的选题背景和意义,相关的研究和开发的比较和综述,研究开发的过程,以及设计思路和实现细节的考虑,最后给出了作者在毕业设计过程中的体会。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
【关键字】管理信息系统,数据库,医院病历,实体关系图(E-R图),数据字典,数据流图。 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Also should there be the modernized management system in the modernized hospital. The body health of people also constantly suffered attaching importance to today advanced increasingly at the science and technology.
Therefore the hospital carries on the modernize managing to become to such an extent that blames for important. Here, our development of the typical hospital physical medicine management system with is the example, and tells about how to build a practical hospital physical medicine management system.
Selected topic background and the meaning of this text, article, etc. introduction graduation project subject, the comparison and summarizing of research and development being mutually related, the course of research and development, as well as designing the train of thought with realizing thinking over of details, and finally giving out the realization that author is in the graduation project course.
keywords :management information system, the data base, the hospital [来源:http://think58.com]
physical medicine, the substance relation picture ( E-R's picture ), the data dictionaries, the data stream picture. [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
第一章 绪 论
现在应用在大中型医院病历的管理信息系统中,几乎都包括了医务人员与患者管理模块。有些环境中是由作为大型ERP软件中的一个模块引进的,有些是作为医院系统的一部分。这些根据规范的西方管理制度设计的医院病历管理软件,在很多时候还不能完全解决中国特色的中小型医院的问题,本文介绍的毕业设计研究工作就是要为这些具有中国特色的中小型医院解决他们在医院病历管理方面的问题。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
1.2 研究思路和工作计划