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人是生产力中最活跃的因素,人的能力就是人力。"自然是财富之母,劳动是财富之父",没有人的劳动,任何社会财富也不可能创造出来。一个企业或事业唯一真 正的资源是人。管理就是要充分开发并合理使用人力资源以做好工作。在科技飞速发展、知识日新月异的今天,企业的经济活动正逐步的国际化、全球化,市场的竟 争越演越烈,加之Internet网的普及,电子商务的出现,更有"地球村之争"之说,而竟争的核心是科学技术和管理,但归根到底却是人力资源素质及如何 合理使用人力资源的竟争。这使人们认识到人力资源是企业的"第一资源",人力资源管理是决定企业成败的关键,它正与市场营销管理、财务管理、生产管理构成 现代企业管理的四大支柱。


关键词:  VB6.0 、Access 2000、人事管理信息系统 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

Abstract [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]

The ability of person is the manpower to the factor that person is the most brisk in the productive forces. " is naturally the wealth is female, to work is the father of wealth ", not having the work of person, any wealth of society also can not be created. Only genuine resources of an enterprise or cause are person. The management will fully be developed annexing to pay attention to using the human resource in order to do good work exactly. In the science and technology development at full speed and today that the knowledge is changed with each passing day, market is contended performing stronger and stronger the movable straight internationalize step by step of the economy of the enterprise and whole worldization unexpectedly, the popularization that in addition Internet netted, " earth village contends " theory that the emergence of e-commerce more has, and the nucleus contending unexpectedly is science and technology and management, but is that human resource character reaches how reasonably to use contending unexpectedly of human resource finally. This makes, and people's recognize human resource is the enterprise " first resources ", and the human resource management is the hinge to decide the enterprise success or failure, and it is forming the four big pillars of modern business management with marketing management, financial management and production management.  [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
At this kind of knowledge economy and under the quickly follow-on background of information " expressway ", one set complete is scientifically assisted the human engineering software that the enterprise and institution chose a person for a job functions such as department, invitation, trains, uses, encourages, examines and adjustment etc to become the enterprise must to prepare, and it is that to take to the enterprise important and is managing, and is the one set of electronics times human engineering system of completely new reason
Keywords: Human resource,Human engineering , The enterprise contends the nucleus unexpectedly, Business management. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
