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餐饮管理系统的设计与实现(VB Access)


摘    要 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]

本文论述了分析、开发、设计一个餐饮管理系统的过程。该系统融入酒店科学、规范的现代化管理思想,为提高各业务部门本身的工作效率,自动完成各业务部门之间的各种营业信息、帐务、报表的自动化传输与汇总,使各项业务工作制度化,科学化。结合先进的计算机技术,采用Visual Basic6.0和Access2000开发而成。
关键词:餐饮管理系统  模块  VB






The development of the economy along with the world, tour the development that industry gets to advance by leaps and bounds.The cabaret industry of China presents
Good development situation, so nasty play increment of guests quantity, can manage to put forward the higher request to the cabaret guest room only.
This text discusses the analysis and develop, designs the process that a cabaret manages the system.That system melts into the modern management thought of cabaret science, norm, in order to raise the work efficiency of each business section, complete various automation of business information, accounts, statement between each business section to deliver and gather automatically, make various business works systemize, scientific.Combine the forerunners calculator technique, adopt 97 developments of the Visual Basic6.0 and Access but become.
    This text introduced the related contents of topic, and pass the design analysis, dividing the line the database, dividing the line system as six main function mold pieces:System constitution, guest room management, accommodation management, employee management, the consumer goods management and accounts management.Emphasized to describe the whole system  function realization, these molds piece satisfied the customer( cabaret) in the need that the guest room manages to wait the aspect basically.Such as to the constitution modification of the guest room, employee, the related customer service etc..Each business in the system  management mold piece since can the single machine circulate independently, can carry on expanding the upgrade to the system along with the development of the cabaret business, carrying out the network to turn.


Keyword: the cabaret management system   the mold piece   VB [来源:http://think58.com]

目    录
1绪    论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2管理信息系统概述 1
1.3餐饮管理系统开发背景 2
1.4餐饮管理系统开发意义 2
1.5餐饮管理系统简介 3
1.6餐饮管理系统的目标 3
2 需求分析 7
2.1系统的可行性分析 7
2.1.1系统可行性分析 7
2.1.2简要总结 9
2.3 详细调查 10
  2.3.1组织结构图 11
  2.3.2当前业务存在的问题 13
2.4 新系统逻辑方案的提出 15
  2.4.1数据流图 16
  2.4.2数据词典 16
3 系统设计 16
3.1总体结构设计 23
3.1.1系统功能结构设计 25
3.1.2系统软硬件环境设计 28
3.2系统详细设计 31
  3.2.1数据库设计 32
  3.2.2代码设计 33
4系统的实施 32
4.1开发环境与开发工具选择 32
4.2系统和程序设计调试 37
4.3系统模块实现 44
结  论 51
致谢 53
参考文献 52 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]



