计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
本系统的前台开发工具采用Visual Basic 6.0,后台数据库采用Microsoft SQL Server 2000。在设计的过程中,更加注重了系统计费的准确性和运行的高效性。


关键词  保单管理  保险  理赔信息 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

This dissertation mainly introduces the design and implementation of the software for insurance act. Detailed treatise the process of the system of management for insurance. The program implements the foundational function of the system. Besides that, it also implements the inquiry and tidy up compensation information. Then, it makes a statistics and prints it. The system mainly includes the module of the information management for customer, insurance management, information management of compensation and the service of customer. It throughs the customer information table, insurance table, insurance table for audit, compensation list table, compensation information inquiry and reminding information to meet the different demands of insurance operators and customers. The operator manage the insurance by demands of the customer and through customer information table, insurance table and compensation information table to finish whole process of the system. In the situation of compensation for customers, it can not only automatically make data for customers information, but also tidy up the compensation information .At last, it makes the information table.


The system uses Visual Basic 6.0 to do the front stage and uses Microsoft SQL Server 2000 to do database in background. In the process of design, it is emphasized the veracity of calculating the expense and running efficiency.

Keywords  The insurance management , insurance, compensation information


目    录
第1章  概  述 1
1.1  题目背景 1
1.2  现状与分析 1
1.3  项目特点与研究意义 2
第2章  需求分析 4
2.1 项目内容及要求 4
2.2 可行性分析 5
2.2.1 经济可行性 5
2.2.2 技术可行性 6
2.3 开发工具论述 7
2.3.1 前台开发工具 7
2.3.2 后台数据库 7
第3章  系统概要设计 8
3.1  系统分析模型 8
3.2  数据库设计 10
第4章  系统详细设计 14
4.1软件结构设计 14
4.2功能子模块设计 15
4.2.1客户资料管理子模块 16
4.2.2理赔管理子模块 20界面设计 20
4.2.3保单管理子模块 21
4.2.4客户的服务管理子模块 22
第5章  系统运行与调试 23
5.1  系统测试方案 23
5.2  测试结果分析与调试 23
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27

