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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC

自动组卷系统论文 VB开发


【摘要】  随着当今计算机技术的飞速发展,利用计算机进行试题库的管理和考试分析已成为学校推动教学改革、提高教学质量的重要内容。


    本试题库系统采用Visual Basic语言和Access数据库开发而成,不仅能录入包含图形、公式和文字的各课程试题,生成不同科目的试题库,并能按要求自动生成规定格式的试题、能对考试结果进行统计、分析和评价,生成规定格式的考试分析文档,最终实现考试出题和考试分析的自动化。


     关键词 : 试题库  Visual Basic语言  成绩分析



Abstract With the rapid development of today's computer technology, using computers to test database management and test analysis has become the schools to promote education reforms, improve the quality of teaching important content.
     The test database system uses the Visual Basic language and Access database development is made not only to entry that contains graphics, formula and writing across the curriculum examination questions, generate different subjects of the test database, and can automatically generate the required format of the questions provided, can the examination the results of statistics, analysis and evaluation to generate the prescribed form of examination analysis of the document, and ultimately out of questions and test analysis of test automation.
      Keywords: Visual Basic language achievement test database analysis


