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  核心提示:如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066目录前言摘要第一章系统需求分析第二章 系统设计2.1系统方案确定2.2系统功能实现第三章怎样开发一个人事工资管理系统?3.1编程环境的选择3.2关系型数据库的...

如有需要请联系 QQ:306826066


第一章 系统需求分析 
第二章 系统设计 
21系统方案确定  [来源:http://think58.com]
第三章 怎样开发一个人事工资管理系统? 
31 编程环境的选择 
32 关系型数据库的实现 
33 二者的结合(DBA 


第四章 Visual basic下的控件所实现的功能 
42 实现工具栏 
43 帮助 
第五章 系统总体规划 
51 系统功能  [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
52 流程图 
第六章 系统具体实现 
6.1 用户界面的实现 
6.2 数据库的实现 
第七章 结束语 
第八章 主要参考文献 


第九章 附录 
随着计算机技术的不断发展,计算机应用于各大领域,并给人们的生活带来了极大的便利,在固定管理系统亦是如此。以往固定资产员由于缺乏适当的软件而给其工作带来了很多不便。本论文所介绍的便是一个固定资产管理系统,以方便在固定资产安排和固定资产管理上的工作任务。  [资料来源:http://think58.com]


经过分析,我们使用 MICROSOFT公司的 VISUAL BASIC开发工具,利用其提供的各种面向对象的开发工具,尤其是数据窗口这一能方便而简洁操纵数据库的智能化对象,首先在短时间内建立系统应用原型,然后,对初始原型系统进行需求迭代,不断修正和改进,直到形成用户满意的可行系统。 

固定资产日常管理  [资料来源:http://think58.com]
关键字:Visual Basic6.0,控件、窗体、数据库,固定资产管理


The fixed assets management system is the typical information management system( MIS), it mainly develop the establishment and maintenances and head application procedures of include the backstage databases develop two aspects .Request to build up a data consistency and integrities for the former strong, the database that the data safety like .But then request the applied procedure function to the latter complete, easy usage etc. characteristics.
Through analysis, we use the VISUAL BASIC development tool of the company of MICROSOFT, making use of various development tool that faces to the object of what it provide, particularly is this ability of the data window way is convenient and simple and direct to manipulate the database of intelligence turn the object, build up the system application prototype in the in a short time first, then, start the prototype system to carry on the need generation to the beginning, revise and improve continuously, until formation the customer is satisfied and can go the system. [来源:http://think58.com]
The whole system from match the operation simple, the interface amity, vivid, practical, the request of the safety set out, completing the whole process of the fixed assets management, include each product, for example transact an unique product of equipments, furniture, calculator and other worthy asset-allocations to code, and according to this coding is in the calculator build up the fixed assets information database, add, get to use, depreciate...etc. to carry on the management to the fixed assets, can make the manager fly to carry on follow to the fixed assets, at any time control the present condition and the company employees of the fixed assets to get with the fixed assets circumstance, reduce the fixed assets to throw to lose the phenomenon, resolve to check to seek, stocktaking difficulty etc. problem, raise the manager's work efficiency .Therefore , develop the affair that thus a set of management software becomes having the necessity very much, we are in underneath of each one will with develop a set of fixed assets management system as example, discuss its development process and the problem involve and resolve method.


The business enterprise wants to want continuously usage efficiency of raise the fixed assets, and take back in anticipant time the investment income of the investment gold and realization expectation, will strengthen the fixed assets management .The main contents of the fixed assets management have: 
The fixed assets manages usually
The fixed assets usage efficiency management
The limit income and limit cost analiyes of the fixed assets investment scale fluctuation
The fixed assets depreciation management
The thesis mainly introduced the development background of this topic, finished function and the process of the developments want .The point explained the point, the design thought, a little bit difficult technique and solution of the system design.
Keywords: Visual Basic6.0, control the piece, window body, database, the fixed assets management [版权所有:http://think58.com]
第一章. 系统需求分析 


