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软件通讯设计与系统联调。完成了了各个硬件模块的驱动程序的编写实现了数据的转换、发送、接收,以及步进电机的驱动,同时设计和完成了升降台的各项具体功能,包括升降控制、平台复位、演讲模式、状态反馈、行程保护等功能。 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
关键字:STM32   WIFI    升降台   智能手机

With the rapid development of wireless network technology, such as smart phones wireless devices are beginning to play an increasingly important role in our lives. At the same time embedded technology is developing rapidly these years, it has low power consumption, small, economical and practical, stable performance, so they derived a lot of embedded technology and want to combine product. Especially in the field of intelligent control devices, some of the traditional mechanical equipment In combination with embedded technology have made significant improvements in its efficiency and intelligence and other aspects. In the rapid development of the Internet of Things technology today, more and more intelligent devices are so into our lives.
The main work is as follows:
Proposed to STM32 for the controller, while using wireless network technology, to achieve the lift control via smartphones, to achieve lift intelligent designand feasibility analysis.


In terms of performance, power and price into consideration, chose STM32F series chip as the main control chip, ATK-ROM04 wireless module converts serial data transmission and wifi data were selected L298N motor drive, the entire hardware circuit designed and implemented.
Completed the preparation of various hardware module driver implements the conversion of data, sending, receiving, and stepper motor drive, while the design and completion of the specific features of the lifts, including lift control platform reset, speech patterns , state feedback, stroke protection.
Finally, the hardware and software of the system were tested to verify the various functions.
Key Words:STM32 ;  WIFI ;  Lifting platform ;  smartphone

基于STM32的自动升降台设计 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

第1章绪论    5
1.1研究背景及意义    5
1.2国内外研究与发展现状    6
1.2.1国外研究与发展现状    6
1.2.2国内研究与发展现状    7
1.3本文的研究内容和组织结构    7
1.3.1研究内容    7
1.3.2本文的组织结构    8
第2章基于STM32的自动升降台的总体方案设计    10
2.1 自动升降台的总体方案设计    10
2.1.1自动升降台的总体设计思路    10
2.1.2 自动升降台总体设计框图    10
2.1.3方案可行性分析    11
2.2基于STM32的自动升降台的系统开发环境    13
2.2.1硬件开发环境    13
2.2.2软件开发环境    13 [来源:http://think58.com]
2.2.3调试环境    14
2.3本章小结    15
第3章基于STM32的自动升降台的硬件设计    16
3.1自动升降台的硬件整体设计    16
3.2系统硬件模块选型    17
3.2.1 微处理器模块选型    17
3.2.2  wifi模块选型    17
3.2.3 电机驱动模块选型    18
3.3本章小结    20
第4章自动升降台的软件设计    21
4.1 软件的整体设计    21
4.2驱动程序设计    21
4.2.1步进电机驱动程序设计    21
4.2.2wifi模块驱动程序设计    23
4.3具体功能程序设计    26
4.4本章小结    27
第5章自动升降台的仿真与测试    28
5.1系统测试概述    28
5.2仿真与测试的主要内容    28
5.2.1 系统硬件测试    28
5.2.1 系统软件测试    30 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
5.3本章小结    34
第6章总结与展望    35
6.1总结    35
6.2展望    35
参考文献    37
致谢    39
附录A  硬件装置实物图    40
附录B  系统程序代码    41
附B1 ATK-ROM04模块驱动程序(部分)    41
附B2 电机驱动程序    44
附B3  功能程序(部分)    46 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]