密 惠 保
密 惠 保
关键词:热释电红外(PIR) 传感器 无线射频 nRF24L01
People now put forward higher requirements on the automatic security guard with the continuous progress of the time. People uses more electrical security products rather than artificial defending on protecting the public and personal assets. With the great use of electrical security guard productions,we can easily enhance the range and precision of security guard while decreasing the cost spent on them. Based on this, this paper presents an alert device based of Pyroelectric infrared sensor and radio frequency technology.
This paper first compare the popular anti-theft alert device on the market horizontally and analyzes the usage and great market of Pyroelectric infrared wireless alert device. Then, the paper describes the hardware design of the device from the minimum system of MCU, wireless sending and receiving system to the peer and main control end with module thinking. After that, this paper emphasizes the design of software system. This paper describes the development environment, the structure of the whole software system, the protocol between the wireless modules and the main controller. Then this paper shows the realization of the main controller and wireless modules on chip by combination. At last, this paper describes the debug process of the hardware and software, the transmission from peer infrared detector signal by radio transmission to the main controller, the corresponding node acousto-optic alarm function. We meet the requirements of the family security alarm in the end.
Keywords:pyroelectric infrared (PIR); sensor;Radio Frequency(RF)
摘要 I
目录 IV
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景 1
1.2 无线红外报警器工作的原理 2
1.3 论文的结构 2
第二章 系统设计 3
2.1 系统总体结构 4
2.2 方案选型 4
2.2.1 MCU选型 4
2.2.2 无线报警方式选型 5
2.2.3 天线选型 8
2.2.4 红外传感器的选型 8
2.3 本章小结 9
第三章 硬件设计 10
3.1 单片机最小系统 10
3.1.1 时钟电路 10
3.1.2复位电路 10
3.2无线模块收发电路 11
3.2.1 nRF24L01芯片引脚 12
3.2.2 nRF24L01电压转化 13
3.2.3 nRF24L01与MCU的连接 13
3.3节点端 14
3.3.1红外传感器采集电路 14
3.3.2按键电路 15
3.4 主控端 16
3.4.1 蜂鸣器电路 16
3.4.2 LED电路 16
3.5 本章小结 17
第四章 软件设计 18
4.1开发环境介绍 18
4.1.1 Keil C51 18
4.1.2 Protel 99SE 18
4.2 系统设计思路 19
4.3无线模块收发函数 19
4.3.1无线模块初始化思路 19
4.3.2 无线模块初始化程序 20
4.3.3 无线模块nRF24L01读写时序图 21
4.3.4 无线模块收发函数的主要部分及其功能 21
4.3.5无线模块和主控制器之间的传输协议 22
4.4主控端程序设计 23
4.5 节点端程序设计 25
第五章 总结与展望 27
致谢 30
参考文献 31
附录一 原理图 32
主控端的图 32
节点端的图 33