
密 惠 保
摘 要
关键词: 大型广场喷泉,PLC,控制系统,先进性
This paper is based on the machinery design and machinery(PLC) principle and the 3d drawing software and related knowledge and theory, by collecting relevant data of sewing machine and reading the related literature books and referring to the sewing machine in the tailor shop, first of all, due PLC uese the main parts institutional model of the sewing machine, secondly use the Solidworks drawing software to conduct the part modeling which was designed well. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
This paper use and the conduct assembly design which the PLC parts was built, get the corresponding assembly model, finally conduct movement simulation to the corresponding assembly model.
Keywords: sewingmachine,PLC,part modeling, assembly

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
2 本课题研究的目的、意义 1
3 国内外发展现状 2
4 PLC控制系统简介 3
4.1 PLC的定义 4
4.2 PLC的控制原理 5
4.3 PLC的分类 6
4.4 PLC型号的选择 6
5 系统硬件的设计 7
5.1 大型广场喷泉的I/O分配 7
5.1.1 PLCI/O分配简介 8
5.1.2 开关量输出模块的选择 9
5.1.3 模拟量I/O模块的选择 10
5.1.4 特殊功能模块的选择 11
5.1.5 系统I/O分配表 12
5.2 PLC外部接线图的设计 13
6 系统软件设计 14
6.1 系统控制流程图 15
6.2 设计PLC控制梯形图程序 17
结 论 18
致 谢 19
参考文献 20 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]