密 惠 保
摘 要:网络营销是网络经济时代的一种崭新的营销理念和营销模式,是指借助于互联网络、电脑通信技术和数字交互式媒体来实现营销目标的一种营销方式。其相对于传统的市场营销,在许多方面存在着明显的优势。目前,我国网络营销的发展十分迅速,并建立了一批具有强大影响力的网络营销平台,例如阿里巴巴、淘宝等。但是食品行业网络营销的开展相对其他商品而言,发展还相对缓慢。与国外先进国家的食品网络营销情况相比,还存在着许多问题。本文主要介绍食品网络营销的现状及发展趋势和对中小企业增强自身竞争力意义。
Current situation and development trend of Food Network Marketing
Abstract: In the era of network economy, the network marketing is a brand-new conception and model of marketing. It is by means of the Internet, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve marketing goals. Compared with traditional marketing, it has a clear advantage in many aspects. Nowadays, network marketing is developing very quickly in our country and a group of online marketing platforms have been established, such as Alibaba、taobao, which enjoys a powerful influence. However, the network marketing of food industry develops relatively slow to other goods. Compared with advanced food network marketing in foreign countries, there are still many problem of our own. This paper mainly introduces the status and trend of network marketing in our country and the significance that it can enhance the competitiveness of.
Key words: Cyber-marketing; Food; Medium-sized enterprises; Trend of development