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  • 共2页:
  • [来源:http://think58.com]

    摘  要:本文从民营经济竞争力的角度探讨了在经济全球化下提升中国民营企业竞争力的途径,通过提升民营经济竞争力的分析,一方面从企业硬件资源方面着手,在产品成本、民族品牌、比较优势和自主技术创新等方面打造竞争力;另一方面,从企业的软件资源出发,在人本管理、企业文化和诚实信用等层面上培育核心竞争力。此外,从民营经济发展的外部条件看,民营企业竞争力的提升还应兼顾社会传统文化和政府的系列制度安排。探讨民营企业应该如何扬长避短,提高企业竞争能力,促进民营企业健康发展。

    On theory of private enterprises to improve the competitiveness of effective ways
    Abstract: From the perspective of the competitiveness of the private economy of globalization in the economic competitiveness of Chinese private enterprises to enhance the way, by enhancing the competitiveness of the private economy, on the one hand from the business aspects of hardware resources, the product cost, national brands, compare advantage of technological innovation, and self-build competitiveness; the other hand, starting from the enterprise software resources in people management, corporate culture and the level of good faith and so enhance their core competitiveness. In addition, the external conditions for private economic development perspective, to enhance the competitiveness of private enterprises should also take into account the social culture and the government a series of institutional arrangements. How to avoid weaknesses of private enterprises to improve enterprise competitiveness, promote the healthy development of private enterprises. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
    Key words:Private enterprises;Competitiveness;Ownership structure;