密 惠 保
摘 要:我国服装企业从“世界工厂”“中国制造”,逐渐向“中国设计”转变,已经或正在实现由家庭作坊向工厂式管理、由工厂式管理向集团化管理、由集团化管理向股份制管理的跨跃,形成了大规模生产能力。但是我国服装企业的品牌化发展还有一定限制,本文作者通过对我国服装企业发展历程的了解及当下研究背景的分析,运用SWOT分析法对我国服装企业进行分析,并对我国服装企业品牌创新模式进行试探性探讨。希望能有利于我国服装企业品牌化的发展。
The study on the marketing strategy and brand innovation mode of garment enterprises
Abstract:Chinese clothing enterprises from the "world factory", "China", and gradually "Chinese design" changes have been or are being achieved by the cottage-style management to the factory, the factory-style management to group management, the Group's management to stock management leap, the formation of a large-scale production. But the clothing companies still have a certain brand development restrictions, the author of Chinese garment enterprises through the development process of understanding and analysis of current research background, the use of SWOT analysis of the apparel enterprises in China, and China's apparel brand innovation model exploratory study. Hope to help the clothing companies have brand development.
Key words:garment enterprises; marketing strategy;OEM;innovation model;
我国是服装大国,但远远不是服装强国,我国缺少国际知名服装品牌。在我国,OEM发展模式遭遇困境,国外需求下降。部分服装外贸加工企业转向国内,一方面加剧国内服装加工市场的竞争,另一方面,部分服装加工企业开始进入品牌服装领域[1] 。