
密 惠 保
摘 要
本文根据构建的时间序列模型,预测出2007~2009年中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的贸易额。根据模型参数看,预测出的贸易额有很高的准确性。从预测数据看,2007~2009年中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的贸易额总体呈现继续上升的趋势,但个别类的农产品出口额呈现下降态势,农产品出口贸易前景良好。 [来源:]
Study on Potential and Forecast of China’s Agricultural Products Export to Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a large country in central Asia.She has 1700Kms border line with China.So it is important to trade for the country. For the moment,China is adverse balance of trade deficit.We believe it is significance to research the potential and forecast of China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan.
It is analyses 1991~2006 data of China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan,it is clearly found that there is a increase of trade sum that China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan just after 2000.But the sum of export trade 2006 is equal to 1994. From the sort of agricultural products export to Kazakhstan,it is a clearly variety that from mostly export grand agricultural products to gardening porduets. [版权所有:]
The mostly research of article is the potential of China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan. The thesis seem agricultural products export as systems engineering(terminal market—intermediate logistics—advantage products—industry cooperation),it is research the potential on the key of systems engineering. It is found that the agricultural products market of Kazakhstan, hardware foundation of exporting, China’s advantage agricultural products,and Intra--industry Trade of China-Kazakhstan all have potential.
Base on the time series analysis-forecasting model,we conclude the trade sum forecasting data of China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan form 2007 to 2009.From the model parameter,it is conclude that the sum of trade is exact. From the forecasting data, the trade sum of China’s agricultural products export to Kazakhstan is increasing during 2007~2009, except little kind of agricultural products.
In the end, base on above research,it is conclude the outcome and corresponding suggestion in this thesis. [资料来源:]
Key words:China,Kazakhstan,export of agricultural products, trade potential, forecast
目 录 49000字
第一章 导 言 1
1.1研究的背景、目的及意义 1
1.2 研究对象 3
1.3 研究思路与方法 4
1.4 研究数据 5
1.5 研究的可能创新与局限 6
第二章 相关理论与研究文献综述 8
2.1 相关理论综述 8
2.2 相关研究文献综述 10
第三章 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的概况、结构与增长分析 15
3.1 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的发展概况 15
3.2 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的结构分析 20
3.3 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的增长分析 24
第四章 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的潜力分析 27
4.1 基于哈萨克斯坦农产品市场角度的潜力分析 27
4.2 基于出口硬件基础的潜力分析 36
4.3 基于农产品贸易比较优势角度的潜力分析 42
4.4 基于农产品产业内贸易角度的潜力分析 50
第五章 中国农产品出口哈萨克斯坦的贸易前景预测分析 56
5.1 时间序列模型 56
5.2 基于时间序列模型的农产品贸易规模预测 57
第六章 结论与对策建议 66
6.1 研究结论 66
6.2 对策建议 68
参考文献 72