密 惠 保
摘 要:事业单位虽具有公益性质,但依然存在财务风险,且是客观存在的,有区别于企业经营活动财务风险。在现实当中,事业单位的财务风险也没有存在一个明确的定义范畴,但是,作为事业单位的财务活动由于其本身具有非盈利性的特点,从而有着不同于一般企业经营活动财务风险的表现和原因。因此,应采取合理确定事业单位风险的控制,完善法规、政策等方面,并建立财务状况预警机制等措施,以更好地防范与控制事业单位财务风险的发生。本文简单地介绍事业单位财务风险的表现形式,分析了事业单位财务风险的成因,并针对事业单位财务风险的防范对策进行一定的研究和探讨。
Research on the Prevention of Financial Risk in Institutions
Abstract:Even though public characteristic lies in institutions, still financial risk lie in them and this consistence is objective, this risk differentiates from the financial risk lying in the enterprises. In fact, the financial risk in institutions is not defined definitely, but due to its non-profit characteristic. the actions in the institutions are different from the perform and reason of the financial risk of normal enterprises. So, financial controlling target should be determined reasonably , risk consciousness should be reinforced between the financial workers, warning mechanism about financial situation should be built and so on. in this case , the financial risks in the institutions can be better prevented . This paper introduces the forms of the financial risks in brief , analyses the reason the financial risks in institutions and does some studying and debating in order to defending the financial risks in institutions . 〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
Key words:Public Institution; financial risk;system; internal control