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摘    要

关键词:现代制造环境,知识工作者,知识工作效率,影响因素,最大变异法 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]

With the innovative knowledge and technologies becoming globalization, the importance of the knowledge workers for organizations becoming more and more prominent: organizations are facing a new competitive environment - continuous change and a high degree of uncertainty. In such circumstances, organizations want to survival, development, competition, and create a core competitiveness, knowledge workers can not be separated from the high efficiency of the work [1]. the efficiency of knowledge work becoming a new efficiency bottlenecks. Based on this, a new efficiency projects in the modern manufacturing environment-oriented be put out.
This paper descript the concept of the modern manufacturing environment, knowledge workers and the efficiency of knowledge work in generally, and it also descript the current status of the research outlined in “the factors which affecting the efficiency of knowledge work in modern manufacturing environment-oriented”. This paper make a survey to analysis and getting a Result that in modern manufacturing environment we should be concerned with the factors which affecting the efficiency of knowledge work: 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 www.56doc.com〗


the personal ability of knowledge workers, the personal feelings of workers, the coordination between the knowledge workers and the organizations, Resources and user-friendly, the personal health status of the knowledge workers. And design test or on the basis of the predecessors’ theory to make out if some small set of factors could affect the efficiency of knowledge work.
    This paper used the questionnaire and added some tests, to do data processing and data analysis on the recovery of valid questionnaires, extracting the main factors which affecting the efficiency of knowledge work, and design testing to determine in partly which be missed by the contents of the questionnaire whether the factors could affecting the efficiency of knowledge work, some content has been partly reference of the predecessors’ research results.

Key words: the modern manufacturing environment-oriented ,knowledge workers ,the efficiency of knowledge work,the factors which affecting the efficiency of knowledge work

〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 WWW.56DOC.COM〗





〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗 [资料来源:http://think58.com]

目   录    24000字
中文摘要    Ⅰ
目录    Ⅲ
表目录    Ⅴ
图目录    Ⅵ
1、绪论    1
1.1、研究背景    1
1.2、现代制造环境下知识工作效率影响因素的研究概述    1
1.2.1、现代制造环境的特征    1
     1.2.2、知识工作和知识工作者的定义    2
      1.2.2、知识工作效率的定义及分析    2
      1.2.4、知识工作效率影响因素的研究现状及主要研究成果    3
      1.2.5、论文的思路和研究方法    6
2、问卷分析    8
2.1、问卷设计    8
2.2、问卷的信度检验    8
2.3、问卷的效度检验    8
2.4、数据分析    9 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗


      2.4.1、第1次因素分析    10
      2.4.2、第2次因素分析    16
      2.4.3、第3次因素分析    23
      2.4.4、第4次因素分析    29
2.5、结论    32
3、试验    33
3.1、试验1:工作环境对知识工作效率的影响    33
3.2、试验2:现代化的信息资源对知识工作效率的影响    33
3.3、试验3:任务的明确性对知识工作效率的影响    34
3.4、试验4:任务的匹配性对知识工作效率的影响    42
4、理论分析    44
4.1、前人科研成果    44
4.1.1、工作态度对知识工作效率的影响    44
4.1.2、工作压力对知识工作效率的影响    44
4.2、个人理论分析    44
4.2.1、计算机的应用和网络化环境对知识工作效率的影响    44 〖资料来源:毕业设计(论文)网 http://www.56doc.com〗


4.2.2、任务的复杂度对知识工作效率的影响    45
4.2.3、工作兴趣对知识工作效率的影响    45
4.2.4、生理疲劳和心理疲劳对知识工作效率的影响    45
4.2.5、个人信息处理能力对知识工作效率的影响    45
4.2.6、福利待遇对知识工作效率的影响    46
5、结论    47
5.1、确定现代制造环境下知识工作效率的主要影响因素及具体影响因素    47
5.2、提出现代制造环境下知识工作效率改善的意见和建议    47
参考文献    50
附录A:调查问卷    53
  〖资料来源:56DOC.COM 毕业设计(论文)网〗
