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摘 要
关键词:电商下乡  物流站点选址  层次分析法  最优策略  皂河镇
Research on the optimal location of logistics station based on electricity suppliers to the countryside
This paper ,taking Suqian Zaohe town as the research object, study the electricity supplier to the countryside under the background of rural logistics site location problem, application of analytic hierarchy process to determine Zaohe town logistics site's optimal location. The analytic hierarchy process model is established to analyze Zaohe town location decision-making process,taking Jingdong, Ali in Zaohe town business promotion activities for example, to introduce the villages and towns and enterprises to the logistics site demand analysis . Through scientific calculation, the optimal location of the Zaohe town logistics strategy is determined. The results showed that the villages and towns logistics site needs to pay attention to the four factors, including changing consumer habits propaganda, set up county to the village of the municipality directly under the central government logistics site, provide better service levels and to establish a perfect information management;Considering logistics cost, traffic convenience, infrastructure and other factors , Zaohe town logistics site optimal location should be determined in the Zaohe town street coener. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key Words: electricity supplier to the countryside; logistics site location; analytic hierarchy process; optimal strategy; Zaohe town 

目  录
摘 要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究目的和意义    2
1.3 国内外研究现状    3
1.4 论文研究的主要内容    6
1.5 本章小结    7
第二章 物流站点选址概述    8
2.1 研究方法概述    8
2.1.1 层次分析法基本原理    8
2.1.2 层次分析法的步骤    8
2.1.3 层次分析法的优劣势分析    11
2.2 物流站点选址概述    12
2.2.1 物流站点选址的含义    12
2.2.2 物流站点选址的影响因素    13
2.2.3 物流站点选址的作用    14
2.3 本章小结    15
第三章 电商下乡的物流站点选址问题分析    17 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.1 乡镇物流站点的现状分析    17
3.2 电商下乡背景下的物流站点需求分析    17
3.2.1 企业物流站点选址需求性分析--以阿里、京东为例    17
3.2.2 乡镇物流站点选址需求性分析--以皂河镇为例    19
3.3 解决乡镇物流站点选址问题主要方案    21
3.4 本章小结    21
第四章 皂河镇物流站点最优选址策略分析    22
4.1 皂河镇物流站点建设现状分析    22
4.2 皂河镇物流站点选址的应用步骤    23
4.3 皂河镇物流站点选址决策过程    24
4.3.1 构建判断矩阵及一致性检验    25
4.3.2 最佳物流站点的确定    28
4.4 皂河镇物流站点最优选址策略    28
4.5 本章小结    29
第五章 结论与展望    30
5.1 本文的主要研究结论    30
5.2 进一步研究方向    30
5.3 本章小结    31
参考文献    32


致 谢    34 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]