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关键词:淘宝小卖家  因素分析  客户重复购买  策略研究 [资料来源:THINK58.com]

Studies on improving the repeat purchase rate of Taobao small sellers
Since 1990s, with the rapid development of information network technology in China, e-commerce gradually rises slowly into people's vision, penetrating into our lives, changing our way of life. Because the registration difficulty is low, low barriers to entry of convenience, Taobao has a huge Small and micro businesses and individual businesses. These businesses gathered for possible business opportunities in the Taobao platform, then in the fierce competition of how can we be in an invincible position, instead of trying to dig into the new customers, not to think about how to retain old customers, improve customer repurchase intention.
This paper explores the influence of customer weight Re purchase factors, according to these factors, targeted solutions, for struggling Taobao small sellers have reference valueBased on the Taobao platform customer repurchase intention as the research object, through reviewing the literature, based on the study of previous scholars on the collate and research object summarizes their planning, selected the following three factors as the investigation object, namely: price promotion, product quality, service level of the seller. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Keywords: Taobao small sellers; customer repurchase; factor analysis; Strategy
目 录
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2文献综述    1
1.3研究内容、方法和基本框架    2
1.3.1研究内容    3
1.3.2研究方法    3
1.3.3研究框架    4
第二章 相关理论概念界定    5
2.1 淘宝小卖家    5
2.2客户重复购买意愿    5
第三章 淘宝小卖家生存现状    7
3.1竞争异常激烈    7
3.2产品同质化严重    7
3.3成交转化率较低    7
第四章 影响顾客重复购买意向的因素分析    10
4.1研究设计    10
4.2量表设计     10 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
4.2.1价格促销的量表    11
4.2.2卖家服务水平的量表    11
4.2.3产品质量的量表    11
4.3问卷设计    12
4.4问卷发放与数据收集    12
4.4.1问卷发放途径    12
4.4.2数据收集与整理    12
4.5数据分析    13
4.5.1样本特征分析    13
4.5.2影响因素均值分析比较    15
4.6结果分析    16
4.6.1价格促销因素分析    16
4.6.2卖家服务水平因素分析    17
4.6.3产品质量因素分析    17
第五章 案例分析及策略建议    19
5.1双双的杂货店案例分析    19
5.1.1双双的杂货店简介    19
5.1.2价格促销分析    19
5.1.2卖家服务水平分析    20
5.1.3产品质量分析    21
5.2策略建议    23
5.2.1了解客户心理需求,适时开展促销活动    23 [来源:http://www.think58.com]
5.2.2提升综合服务水平    24
5.2.3提高产品质量    25
结论与展望    27
参考文献    28
附录    30
致谢    32
