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With the advancement of mobile technology, the mobile network has been developed to today's 4G +, which makes mobile wireless network supports mobile data transfer rate of speed to get promotion. At the same time, our country already has more than 600 million mobile Internet users and a large number of other mobile Internet devices, which makes our mobile broadcast industry in 2016 was an unprecedented development. But this is a double edged sword, it brings to China will bring opportunities as well as a number of problems, this article will analyze the function of the mobile TV and mobile e-commerce industry value chain, value chain participants, participants and value, then analysis of the mobile TV industry, found that there are some problems, hence the analysis of mobile e-commerce mobile broadcast industry value chain, set up the value chain model to analyze product and process flows and characteristics of mobile broadcast industry, combined with the mobile live mobile industry analysis and live mobile commerce value chain, the development of mobile broadcast industry, presents some simple suggestions, hoping to be able to provide a little inspiration for the sound development of China's mobile broadcast industry through the analysis of this article, a contribution modest.


Keywords: mobile e-commerce;   value chain;   mobile broadcast

摘要    I
Abstract    II
第1章绪论    1
1.1研究目的与意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1国外移动直播的研究现状    2
1.2.2国内移动直播的研究现状    2
1.3研究方法与研究内容    3
1.3.1 研究方法    3
1.3.2 研究内容    3
第2章移动直播行业发展环境分析    4
2.1移动直播行业市场环境    4
2.2价值链理论    4
2.3移动电子商务价值链含义    5
第3章移动电子商务价值链分析    5
3.1移动电子商务价值链构成要素和主要环节    5
3.2移动电子商务价值链发展趋势    7
第4章移动电子商务市场中的移动直播行业分析    10
4.1移动直播行业用户分析    10

4.2移动直播行业移动运营商分析    10
4.3 移动直播行业内容提供商分析    10
第5章移动直播行业的移动电子商务价值链分析    12
5.1移动直播的行业特点    12
5.2移动直播的移动电子商务价值链模型    12
5.3移动直播的移动电子商务价值链价值流动过程    14
第6 章移动直播行业部分问题的对策    15
6.1针对移动用户的问题和对策建议    15
6.2针对移动运营商的问题和对策建议    15
6.3针对内容提供商的问题和对策建议    16
第7章总结与展望    16
7.1 全文总结    16
7.2 研究展望    17
参考文献    18
致谢    19 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]