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Optimization Analysis on the incentive scheme of H company's Active Marketing Commissioner under the condition of performance improvement
摘 要


Under the background of the rapid development of Internet technology and the increasingly mature development mode of e-commerce, the family shopping industry under the traditional media platform is facing tremendous pressure and challenges. How to promote the growth and promotion of the business level of the family shopping industry through the way of active marketing has become a subject highly valued by all parties. As the front line employee of telemarketing, its performance capability, personal capability and professionalism will have a profound impact on the realization of the strategic planning objectives and economic goals of a company. In order to promote the achievement and promotion of enterprise performance goal, we must mobilize the initiative of the active Marketing Commissioner with reasonable incentive measures, let them devote themselves to the work enthusiastically, and achieve the common realization of personal performance goals and enterprise performance goals.

In this paper, the research background for the active marketing specialist incentive problems and the research purpose, significance analysis, and takes H company as an example to investigate the status quo of H active marketing specialist, shortages and problems existed in project combing the company's active marketing specialist incentive, and to enhance the performance of the target as the starting point, discusses the optimization measure and plan of incentive plan active marketing specialist H, hope to be able to reasonably reduce the rate of loss of the company's active marketing specialist, stable workforce, fully tap the individual potential, in order to enrich the enterprise competition strength, realize promote individual, active marketing departments and the company's overall performance goals.
Key words: active marketing; incentive; family shopping
目 录
摘 要    2
Abstract    3
第一章 绪论    5
1.1 研究背景    5

1.2 研究意义    5
1.3 研究内容    6
第二章 H公司主动营销现状    7
2.1 H公司概况    7
2.2 主动营销部组织结构    7
2.3 主动营销专员工作模式    8
第三章 主动营销专员现状与问题    9
3.1 主动营销专员现存问题    9
3.1.1 离职率高,招聘难度大    9
3.1.2 新员工成长速度缓慢,人均产值低下    9
3.1.3 老员工缺乏工作积极性,人均产值下降    9
3.2 主动营销专员问题成因    10
3.2.1 主动营销专员激励方案缺乏差异性与层次性    10
3.2.2 绩效考核方案不够透明与科学,绩效目标对员工激励作用不大    10
第四章 主动营销专员激励措施    11
4.1优化薪酬管理体系    11
4.1.1 直接薪酬    11
4.1.2 间接薪酬    12
4.2丰富员工晋升空间与渠道    12 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4.3 完善绩效考核机制    13
第五章 总结    14
参考文献    14 [资料来源:THINK58.com]