密 惠 保
Abstract: with the rise of China's real estate industry, accompanied by the property management industry is also increasingly mature. Property management, as a service industry, always concerned about the quality of life with the District, clean environment, health and safety, convenient living, etc.. However, with the development of our times, the improvement of the quality of life, there are still many old residential areas. These areas in terms of the degree of population aging, financial security, or quality of life, hardware or software, with the new district is still a great gap, through access to relevant information, visit the adjustment status of the property management of the old district of the analysis, and make countermeasures.
Key words: Old District, safety, quality of life, analysis, countermeasures
摘要 3
Abstract 4
1老小区物业管理的发展现状 6
1.1老旧小区的现状 6
1.2物业管理的现状 7
2物业管理发展中存在的问题 7
2.1物业管理体系的不健全 7
2.2小区业主意识的不到位 8
2.3公共设施装备的不齐全 9
3加强老小区物业管理的对策 10
3.1具有针对性的物业管理 10
(1)环境整治 11
(2)设施整修 12
3.2走访小区摸清管理特点 13
3.3开展社区活动增进意识 15
4结语 17
参考文献 18