计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要

  Inventory is an important joint in the enterprise, because the operation efficiency of enterprises and inventory capital levels and capital are closely related, the company's inventory management level is the factors that impact the economic income of the company, with the gradual expansion of the market, the industry competitiveness has become increasingly serious, more and more companies on the problems of the inventory management pay attention to it, this paper takes Harbin Sheng Shida Medical Devices Co., Ltd. as an example, the status of inventory management of the company, put forward to solve the problems, make reasonable purchasing plan, delivery plan, inventory management plan and marketing plan, reduce inventory, increase the profitability of the company, to ensure a virtuous cycle of company funds can continue, to enable enterprises to the maximum of competitive advantage in the market, for the further development of the company, through the research on the management of inventory problems and Sheng Shida Countermeasures by analyzing the problems of inventory management to help believe that the spirit of limited company. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key words: Enterprise inventory;Inventory management;Inventory turnover

目  录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    3
一、 盛世达公司简介    5
(一)主营业务    5
(二)组织架构    5
(三)公司文化    6
(四)战略目标    6
二、 盛世达公司存货管理现状    7
(一)质量管理人职责    7
(二)验收员岗位职责    7
(三)仓储人员岗位职责    8
三、 盛世达公司存货管理存在的问题    10
(一)购买中存在问题    10
1.采购计划不谨慎    10
2.原材料品质    10
3.入库不及时    10
(二)生产中出现问题    11
1.不恰当的绩效考评    11
2.生产计划不周全    11
(三)管理中发现问题    11 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
1.存货盘点不详细    11
2.库存商品积压过多    12
(四)发货中出现的问题    12
1.部门自我认识不明确    12
2.包装运输程序混乱    12
3.发货环节管理不善    12
4.营销问题    13
四、 盛世达公司存货管理问题成因分析    14
(一)生产规模与原材料    14
1. 生产规模较大    14
2.采购原材料价格幅度较大    14
(二)市场竞争与产品创新    14
1.产品竞争压力大    14
2.缺乏专业人士和先进科技    15
五、加强盛世达公司存货管理对策    16
(一)采购环节解决对策    16
1.制定采购计划    16
2.规范采购流程    16
3.监督及时入库    16
4.加大营销宣传    17
(二)生产环节解决对策    17
1.完善绩效管理观念    17 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
2.提高产品管理水平    17
(三)管理环节解决对策    18
1. 加强部门沟通    18
2.重视存货盘点    18
3.减少积压库存    18
(四)发货环节解决对策    19
1.优化部门分工    19
2.完善库存事项    19
3.更新完善产品包装和售后服务    19
结论    21
参考文献    22 [资料来源:THINK58.com]