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摘    要

关键词: 危机公关,原因分析,案例研究,对策

Enterprise crisis public relations and strategy research
In recent years, companies frequently generated crisis and the failure of the various crisis management work to get people to focus more attention to corporate public relations crisis top. As a modern business management tools necessary - public relations crisis, in today's society more and more important. [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
Overall up analysis, corporate public relations crisis is constantly developing and advancing to the rationalization and standardization direction, but in the development process should exist many problems. In practice, the different degree and level of attention and management of various enterprises, the lack of systematic public relations crisis. Most of crisis public relations handling are embodied in the external management of enterprises above a small part of the internal management of enterprises involved, leading to a crisis public relations process is not perfect.
In this paper, the comparison method, a series of scientific method induction method, starting from the definition of public relations crisis, elaborated on the reasons for corporate crisis, a case study, and ultimately the countermeasures proposed public relations crisis.

KEYWORDS:public relations crisis, cause analysis, case studies, countermeasures
目    录
1 危机公关的概述    1 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
1.1 危机公关的内涵及特征    1
1.1.1 危机公关的定义    1
1.1.2 危机公关的特征    1
1.2 当代企业危机公关工作的现状和问题    2
1.2.1 危机公关工作的现状    2
1.2.2 危机公关工作的现存问题    3
2 企业危机的原因分析    4
2.1 企业的内部原因引发危机    4
2.1.1 产品服务原因    4
2.1.2 人力资源原因    5
2.1.3 营销原因    5
2.2 企业的外部原因引发危机    6
3 国外企业危机公关管理的经验借鉴    7
3.1 英、法等欧洲国家企业危机公关管理案例    7
3.1.1 英国“许霆案”银行首先上门道歉事件    7
3.1.2 雀巢公司应对“婴儿死亡传言”事件    7
3.2 中、美、日、英企业危机公关管理的案例比较与借鉴    8
3.2.1 案例比较    8
3.2.2 经验总结与借鉴    9 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
4 完善我国企业危机公关的对策建议    11
4.1 建立公平竞争市场与树立媒体宣传导向    11
4.2 独立的危机公关管理部门与公关外包    12
4.3 增强危机预警意识与危机公关的主动性    12
4.4 企业危机观念与企业文化的融合    13
4.5 政府监管理念与企业危机公关管理的协同    13
参考文献    15
后    记    16 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]