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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC





At present, in the background of climate warming and energy crisis, the development of new energy auto industry has become the consensus of all countries in the world. The new energy vehicle will not only generate huge economic and environmental benefits, but also effectively alleviate the pressure of global warming and energy crisis, and it is also the main direction of upgrading and transformation of the world's automobile industry. Therefore, all the countries in the world, especially the developed countries, have made great efforts to support the development of the new energy auto industry. After more than ten years of development, China's new energy auto industry has initially realized commercial production. However, at present, the new energy vehicle price is too high, the key core technology has not yet been broken, and the market demand is insufficient. The scale of its industry can not be rapidly formed. Only by adjusting the market mechanism, it can not achieve its industrialization development. Therefore, in the early stage of the development of the new energy automobile industry, the fiscal subsidy policy is very important. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
This paper takes the subsidy policy of new energy vehicle as the research object, the purpose is to study the implementation effect of new energy vehicle subsidy policy and the government subsidy strategy, so as to further optimize the subsidy policy of new energy vehicle, so as to achieve the maximization of social welfare.

Key words:New energy vehicle;Subsidy policy;Subsidized price

目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
1.3研究内容与方法    2
第2章  新能源汽车补贴政策的依据及基本思路    3
2.1新能源汽车补贴政策的理论依据    3
2.2新能源汽车补贴政策的现实依据    3
2.3新能源汽车补贴政策的基本思路    3
第3章  新能源汽车补贴政策分析    5
3.1新能源汽车补贴政策与作用分析    5
3.2补贴在生产者与消费者之间分配的分析    6 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
3.3补贴政策对新能源汽车产销量的影响    6
第4章  国家补贴政策对新能源汽车的影响    8
4.1政府扶持力度加大,对新能源汽车产业发展的保障作用增强    8
4.2补贴政策缩小了其与传统汽车之间的价差    8
4.3技术自主创新取得一定成效,但核心技术仍待突破    8
4.4价格普遍偏高,市场推广有难度    8
4.5以财政和税收为调节杠杆,建立新能源汽车的激励机制    9
4.6以市场需求为导向,加大对新能源汽车消费的激励    9
总  结    10
参考文献    11
致  谢    12
