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[摘 要]服装商场是人们生活中必不可少的一部分,现如今自选型服装商场越来越流行,其经营模式与超市十分相近,是一种以满足顾客便利、应急需求为主要目的营业形态,其销售方式多样化,诉求快速化、服务多元化等优势,在服装市场上具有较强的竞争力。随着当代社会经济的飞速发展,人民生活水平提高,服装业更为迅速。因此,服装市场竞争也越来越激烈,服装商场若想进一步的发展,在激烈的市场竞争中获得一席之地,那么就必须改变原有的经营模式,因此,自选型服装商场应运而生。在管理商场时,应利用其创新的优势,结合科学、合理的营销策略,充分发挥自选型服装商场的功能,以满足人们日益增长的需求。
本文结合市场营销学相关理论,通过产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略来对梨树县衣世界服装批发城进行营销策略分析,有助于企业发现并解决在营销策略中的问题,制定出更加科学、合理、有效的市场营销策略。从市场调查中可以快速把握消费者的需求,完善服务,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。进而提升企业的整体营销水平,增加市场竞争力。除此之外,分析其营销策略的独特之处,可以为其他服装企业提供一些营销策略方面的经验,使企业能够在激烈的市场竞争环境中不断完善自己并发展壮大。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]

[关键词]衣世界  经营模式  营销策略

[Abstract] Clothing store is an essential part of people's lives, choice clothing store more and more popular these days, its business model and the supermarket is very close, is to meet emergency needs for customer convenience, the main purpose of business forms, diversify their sales and claim advantages such as rapid, services diversified, with strong competitiveness in the clothing market. With the rapid development of contemporary society and economy, improving people's living standards, apparel industry more rapidly. Therefore, clothing has become increasingly fierce market competition, clothing store if you want to further the development, in the fierce competition in the market place, then it is necessary to change the original business model, therefore, selecting clothing store came into being. When the management of shopping centres, should use its advantage of innovation, combined with scientific and rational marketing strategies, choice clothing store function into full play in order to meet the growing demand. Combining the marketing theory, through product strategies, pricing, channel strategy, marketing strategy, lishu County, clothing clothing wholesale city marketing strategy of the world, helps companies identify and solve problems in your marketing strategy, develop a more scientific, rational and effective marketing strategy.


From market research, you can quickly grasp the needs of consumers and improve service, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. To enhance the level of the overall marketing, increase market competitiveness. In addition, the analysis of the marketing strategies of uniqueness, can give other apparel companies to provide some experience in marketing strategy, so that enterprises in the fierce market competition environment and constantly improve themselves and grow.

[Key words] Clothing world ;Business models;Marketing strategy

目   录
中文摘要    I
英文摘要    II
目  录    III
引    言    1
一、梨树县衣世界服装批发城简介及营销现状    2
(一)梨树县衣世界服装批发城简介    2
(二)梨树县衣世界服装批发城营销现状    2
二、 梨树县衣世界服装批发城的营销策略存在的问题    5
(一)产品线单一    5

(二)部分商品定价不合理    5
(三)商场布局存在问题    5
(四)工作人员素质过低    6
(五)营销渠道狭窄且简单    7
三、 梨树县衣世界服装批发城营销策略存在问题的解决对策    7
(一)扩充产品线    7
(二)按商品质量分类定价    7
(三)布置新格局    8
(四)提高工作人员素质    9
(五)拓宽营销渠道    9
结    论    11
参考文献    12