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关键词: 大数据;市场营销;营销策略;精准化
Introduction to the big data in the application of marketing
Abstract: Big Data, as another revolutionary and innovative technology following mobile computing, internet of things, and cloud computing, has had a major impact on modern business management decisions, organizational business processes, marketing concepts, and the improvement of core corporate competitiveness. On the basis of clarifying the concepts related to big data and marketing, this article discusses the application of big data in marketing, and summarizes it as: consumer groups and consumer behavior prediction, optimization of marketing strategies, and the accurate delivery and shortening of marketing advertising. Broaden the four aspects of marketing channels, and at the same time further explain the entry points and precautions for big data applications, with a view to providing theoretical guidance for companies in formulating marketing strategies in the context of big data. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Keywords: Big data; Marketing; Marketing strategy; Accurate.

前言    1
1 大数据和市场营销概述    1
1.1 大数据含义、特征及支柱    1
1.2 市场营销含义、本质、方式嬗变    2
2、大数据在市场营销中的应用    3
2.1 消费群体及消费行为预测    3
2.2 优化营销策略    4
2.2.1 精准化营销    4
2.2.2 差异化营销    4
2.2.3客户(消费者)关系管理    4
2.3 实现营销广告的精准投放    5
2.4 缩短、拓宽营销渠道    5
3.大数据营销的切入点    6
3.1 从客户视角出发    6
 3.2 划分消费群体    6
3.3完善产品战略    6
3.4 以互联网为抓手    7
4.大数据应用需注意的问题    7
4.1传统营销具有不可替代性    7
4.2消费者数据安全的管理与保护    8 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
5.大数据在市场营销中的应用案例    8
6. 结论    9
参考文献:    9
致谢    10 [资料来源:http://think58.com]