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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘    要


Under the background of Internet Z restaurant cost control research
Author:Zhao Peng
Tutor:Shi Yong
In today's Internet + era, both small and medium-sized enterprises and monopoly enterprises are facing fierce market competition, especially in recent years, the catering industry conforms to the development trend of the Internet era, join the network, in the premise of expanding the takeaway market share, some small and medium-sized catering enterprises must reduce enterprise costs, to achieve the goal of profit development. Therefore, how to effectively control costs and expenses in the context of the Internet is particularly important.
Enterprise managers can clearly understand the cost structure and profitability of the company, which is bound to be inseparable from the cost control, the implementation of cost control is to further promote enterprise to make the right decision, which is an indispensable part of enterprise cost management, and realize effective cost control can fundamentally improve the cost of the enterprise.Achieve the profit of the enterprise and development steadily.


Based on the cost control theory, this paper expounds the cost structure, target method and operation characteristics of small and medium-sized catering enterprises under the Internet environment. In this paper, the cost control theory is applied and Z catering management company, a catering enterprise transforming from high-end business to mass chain brand, is selected as a case study. It simply explains the current situation of the influence of Internet on cost control. This paper puts forward countermeasures for the cost control of Z restaurant, hoping to provide some help for the cost control of China's catering industry.
Key words:The age of the Internet,Catering industry,The cost control, Methods and measures
目      录
一、绪论.............................................................1(一)研究背景及意义..............................................1(二)国内外研究现状..............................................1(三)研究方法与创新..............................................2(四)论文构成及内容..............................................2 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
四、Z餐厅各经营环节成本费用控制存在的问题..........................11(一)采购环节缺乏严格规范的采购计划.............................11(二)仓储环节缺乏专门的库存管理系统.............................11(三)加工生产环节缺乏统一的制作技法.............................11(四)销售服务环节缺乏对服各人员的培训...........................12(五)网络营销环节营销模式创新较少...............................12 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
结    论...........................................................17
致    谢...........................................................18
参考文献...........................................................19 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]