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关键词:行政处罚;合法权益;行政自由裁量;比例原则 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
In recent years, with the highly development of modern society, the administrative authority to supervise and manage the function of social life and scope is expanding constantly, especially in the field of administrative punishment. As an important principle in administrative penalties applicable, proportion principle, become the core element of executive power in modern society, for active play to the initiative of the administrative management of the social, flexible and effective treatment is essential.
But part of the administrative authority in the administrative punishment also has many improper use of proportionality, lead to discretion space slants big, random problem such as law enforcement, abuse of discretion is more and more outstanding, not only infringes upon the lawful rights and interests, the administrative relative person's destruction of good social management order, damage the legal validity and authority, will also be brought to the public image of power immeasurable negative impact. This article USES the comparison research and the study of literature retrieval, from the analysis of the administrative organ for administrative punishment when using the proportion principle aspects of the importance, difficulty, perfect measures, combining with the typical of foreign administrative experience, to apply the administrative penalty proportion principle of our administrative organs for the plight of the administrative penalty proportion principle and draw lessons from foreign administrative organs of the beneficial experience. The purpose of this paper is to through the perfect administrative measures to apply the principle of proportion, better play to the initiative of the administrative organ.


Key words:The administrative punishment; The legitimate rights and interests; Administrative discretion; proportionality [资料来源:THINK58.com]