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摘    要

With the continuous development of economy, the continuous improvement of the environment. At present, more and more manufacturing enterprises hold the stock due to various reasons, which cause the stock to occupy a large proportion in the total assets of the enterprise. As an important current assets of enterprise organization, inventory management is a necessary means to improve the management of enterprises. Inventory runs through all aspects of production and management, adequate inventory reserves to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise, and too many of the inventory will give business capital turnover risk, the implementation of reasonable and effective inventory cost control is significant. Agricultural machinery manufacturing industry has a higher proportion of inventory, management difficulty is greater, more widely used for reference. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Inventory management method is the most effective method in the supply chain. This article from the KML company investigation and study, analysis of the KML company's current situation, describes the enterprise inventory management problems, put forward the method to solve the problem, made a reasonable improvement suggestions.

KeyWords: inventory management; current assets; cost accounting

目    录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
一、绪论    1
  (一)研究背景    1
  (二)研究的目的和意义    2
  1.研究目的    2
  2.研究意义    2
  (三)国内外研究现状    3
  1.国外研究现状    3
  2.国内研究现状    3
  3.总结研究    5
  (四)研究思路与方法    5
  1.研究思路    5 [版权所有:http://think58.com]
  2.研究方法    5
二、存货基本理论与基本概念    7
  (一)存货基本概念    7
  1.存货的概念    7
  2.存货的特点    7
  3.存货的分类    7
  (二)存货基本理论    7
  1.存货管理    7
  2.存货管理方法    7
三、企业及存货管理现状    9
  (一)康美徕企业简介    9
  (二)康美徕企业存货管理现状    9
  1.存货管理业务流程    9
  2.存货分类现状    10
  3.采购的管理现状    12
  4.供应商的管理现状    13
四、康美徕企业存货管理问题及其原因分析    15
  (一)康美徕企业存货管理问题    15
  1.存货分类    15
  2.存货采购管理    15 [资料来源:http://think58.com]
  3.供应商管理    16
  (二)康美徕企业存货管理产生问题的原因    16
  1.存货分类问题的产生原因    17
  2.采购问题的产生原因    17
  3.供应商管理问题的产生原因    17
五、康美徕企业存货管理问题改善及对策    19
  (一)ABC分类法的改进    19
  1.应用AHP改进存货分类    19
  2.改进前后的对比结果    19
  (二)存货采购管理的改进    20
  1.采购组织计划的改进    20
  2.仓储人员的改进    20
  3.采购流程的改进    20
  (三)供应商管理的改进    21
  1.建立供应商的选择机制    21
  2.构建供应商的评价机制    22
  3.强化对供应商的激励机制    22
结论    24
致谢    25 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]
参考文献    26 [来源:http://think58.com]