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摘    要



The development of accounting informationization in China problems and countermeasures
Since the middle of the twentieth century, as the world from the industrial society to information society, information technology represented by computer technology to promote economic development and social progress has become the dominant technology, information industry and social development has become the dominant industry. In the information society, information technology widely applied to every corner of the society. Enterprises in the information society also presents different characteristics: information become an important resource of enterprise, information technology has created a new way of working. Digital and networked environment makes the enterprises have more opportunities to optimize the allocation of resources, thus may pursue the maximum profit, at the same time also faces fierce competition. In today's Internet age, the economic development, accounting is more important; The more accounting.

KEYWORDS:information, imbalance, compound, the internal control, system specification

目    录
1 会计信息化的内涵    1
1.1 会计信息化的定义    1
1.2 会计信息化的特点    2
1.2.1 财务信息多种多样    2
1.2.2 财务目标尖锐性    2
1.2.3 财务机制新颖化    3
1.2.4 财务人才高层次性    3
2 我国会计信息化目前的现状    4
2.1 企业信息化受限明显    4
2.2 信息水平不太平衡    4
2.3 多种差异明显的会计信息化    4
2.4 电子商务起步晚    5
2.5 市场环境亟待培育    5
3 我国会计信息化过程中存在的问题    7
3.1 忽视领导的支持    7
3.2 企业中从事会计信息化建设的复合型人才贫乏    7
3.3 企业财务软件缺乏通用性和正规性    8
3.4 企业内控存在些纰漏    8


3.5 相关政策法规不成熟    8
3.6 对会计信息化理论研究重视程度不够    9
3.6.1 信息化会计理论    9
3.6.2 信息化会计理论研究的意义    9
4 实现我国会计信息化应采取的策略    11
4.1 企业领导应充分重视会计信息化    11
4.2 加大复合型人才培养力度    11
4.3 增强财务软件的通用性和正规性    12
4.4 完善制度建设    12
4.5 加强系统在网络环境下的安全保障    12
4.6 加强信息技术的发展,让企业信息网络化程度步步加深    13
参考文献    14
后    记    15
