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摘    要


Small and medium-sized enterprise cost control research [来源:http://think58.com]
Cost control is previously established and this objective based enterprise cost management, general production activities before the start has occurred. Cost control is a series of preventive measures and regulation affect the cost of the various factors and conditions to be taken to ensure that even in a complex environment management objectives can be realized management practices. In the modern market economy, with the rapid economic development, increasing competitive pressure on businesses. In order to enhance business in a difficult market environment, competitiveness, improve cost control, strengthen enterprise management is imminent. However, most of the enterprises lack understanding of cost control, especially SMEs, not only the lack of theoretical guidance of management experience and theoretical knowledge of the full system, in the control process of other companies copying other company's cost management, no contact their actual situation, leading to the expected cost control does not play a role. SMEs should be based on their actual situation, combined with different staff job responsibilities, to develop concrete and effective control method. Reasonable cost control, can help companies stand out among competitors. This article describes the significance of cost control and cost control, the importance of small business cost control, cost control and status of small and medium enterprises as the basis pointed out the problems and make recommendations in order to improve the level of corporate cost control.


KEYWORDS:Small and middle-sized enterprises,cost control,suggestions
目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景与意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2 文献综述    2
1.3 研究内容    3
2 中小企业的含义和界定标准    4
2.1 中小企业的含义和特点    4
2.2 中小企业的界定标准    4
3 成本控制理论概述    5
3.1 成本控制的含义    5
3.2 成本控制的方法    5
3.3 成本控制的意义    5
4 中小企业成本控制存在的问题    7
4.1 缺乏完善的成本控制体系    7
4.2 对成本控制认识存在误区    7
4.3 成本控制方法陈旧    8
4.4 成本信息混乱    8
4.5 员工综合素质较低制约成本控制    8 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
5 提高中小企业成本控制的建议    10
5.1 制定完善的成本控制体系    10
5.2 清除对成本控制的错误及模糊认识    11
5.3 采用科学成本控制方法    12
5.4 加强成本监督和成本信息管理    13
5.5 提升员工综合素质以提高成本控制效果    13
参考文献    15
后    记    16