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摘    要

关键词: 风险投资,投资公司,财务监控机制

Risk investment project financial monitoring research

In China, in recent years, the rapid rise of domestic venture capital investment industry, some of the more obvious characteristics of venture capital investment has become the consensus of many institutions, including the government, securities companies, listed companies, foreign financial institutions have been involved Chinese risk investment, risk investment industry of our country has made great progress. However, due to the short development time, there are still problems such as information asymmetry and exit mechanism is not perfect, need to study and solve measures. The main reason is the lack of effective and timely financial monitoring of venture capital projects. This article is from the perspective of the investment company. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a financial monitoring mechanism which is always interacting with the invested enterprises, which plays a different role in the different stages of the development of venture enterprises. As an active investor, in this mechanism, the Vc firm to establish complete financial monitoring system of venture enterprise, attention the whole process of enterprise development, quality evaluation, starting on the development of the enterprise technology innovation ability testing, risk assessment mechanism, so as to enhance the investment value of purpose.


KEYWORDS:venture capital, investment companies, financial monitoring mechanism

目    录
1 风险投资项目的财务监控的相关理论    1
1.1 风险投资的基础概念    1
1.1.1 风险投资的含义    1
1.1.2 风险投资的特点    1
1.1.3 风险因素    2
1.1.4 风险投资的意义    2
1.2 财务监控的内容    3
1.2.1 财务监控的含义    3
1.2.2 财务监控的组成    4
1.2.3 财务监控的意义    4
1.2.4 风险投资项目的财务监控    5
2 加强风险投资项目的财务监控的重要意义    6
3 当前风险投资项目的财务监控存在的问题    7
3.1 财务监控的岗位设置不合理    7
3.2 风险投资项目的财务监控制度不完善    7
3.3 风险投资公司和风险企业之间信息不对称    7
3.4 风险投资退出机制不健全    8


4 改进风险投资项目的财务监控的对策措施    9
4.1 派驻董事、财务总监到风险企业进行财务监控    9
4.1.1 派驻董事,辅助决策    9
4.1.2 推行财务总监委派制    9
4.2 加强对投资可操作性研究阶段的财务监控    10
4.2.1 关注风险投资项目的评估    10
4.2.2 关注风险企业的非财务信息    10
4.2.3 关注政策评估    10
4.3 完善投资项目实施后的日常财务监控    11
4.3.1 对风险企业信息的归纳    11
4.3.2 对风险企业的资金监控    11
4.3.3 健全财务监控制度    11
4.3.4 分段投资    11
4.3.5 定期分析风险投资项目并做出预警    12
4.4 针对风险投资项目退出环节加强财务监控    12
参考文献    14
后    记    15
