密 惠 保
摘 要
ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning,ERP)是一种利用当今世界信息技术建立的信息网络系统, 使企业交易数据统一化素有全部进行在线处理,全盘整合企业资本的管理思想和基本形式。ERP系统在企业运营管理方面被越来越多的企业更加广泛的应用。主要是因为ERP系统能够使现代的管理思想和先进的计算机技术完美的融合在一起,是现代企业管理模式发现的最新趋势。ERP系统的日益发展必将提高企业管理水平,提高我国企业在激烈的市场竞争中的竞争力
本文共分四个部分,第一部分讲述的是ERP的管理思想,主要阐述了ERP系统的基本概念和从20世纪60年代开始ERP系统主要经历的四个演变过程以及三个基本组成部分;第二部分是从ERP系统的实际应用情况入手的,主要是ERP系统的使用现状和存在的问题,具体探讨了ERP这个在发达国家工业化的基础上产生的管理体系在我国的实际发展过程中普遍存在企业的领导者不重视、企业的管理基础不适应ERP系统的生长、企业没有选择适合本企业实际情况的ERP系统等问题。而本文在第三个部分则是针对第二部分提出的问题提出了企业管理者提高对ERP系统的重视、企业选择适合本企业实际情况的ERP系统、企业提高管理基础和组织结构等解决策略。本文的最后也是最后一个部分,则是综合全文的阐述尝试分析ERP系统在未来的发展方向和发展设想。 [资料来源:]
关键词: ERP系统,管理思想,财务管理,市场竞争,发展
The application of ERP system in enterprise financial management
ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP) is a kind of use of information technology in the world to establish information network system, make the Enterprise transaction data unification as all online processing, wholesale integration of Enterprise management thoughts and basic form of capital. ERP system in enterprise operation management more widely used by more and more enterprises. Mainly because of the ERP system can make modern ideas of management and advanced computer technology perfect confluence is together, is to find the latest trend of modern enterprise management mode. The development of the ERP system will improve the level of enterprise management, improve the competitiveness of enterprises in the fierce competition in the market in our country
This article is divided into four parts, the first part is about the management thought of ERP, mainly expounds the basic concepts of ERP system and the main experience of ERP system in the 1960 s four evolution as well as the three basic components; The second part from the practical application of ERP system, mainly the use of the ERP system present situation and the existing problems, and the specific ERP the industrialization in developed countries are discussed on the basis of the management system in our country is common in the process of the actual development of the enterprise leaders not value, enterprise management foundation is not adapt to the growth of the ERP system, enterprises have no choice adapting to the practical situation of the enterprise ERP system and so on. And in this paper, the second part in the third part is the question put forward the enterprise managers to improve to the attention of the ERP system, enterprises to choose suitable for the enterprise actual situation of ERP system, improve the management of enterprises and organization structure strategy. The end of this article is the last part, is a comprehensive full text of this paper tries to analyze the development direction of ERP system in the future and the development of ideas. [资料来源:]
KEYWORDS:ERP system, management thinking, financial management, market competition and development
目 录
引言 1
1 ERP的管理思想 3
1.1 ERP的概念 3
1.2 ERP起源与演变 3
1.2.1 基本MRP阶段 3
1.2.2 闭环MRP阶段 3
1.2.3 MRP-II阶段 4
1.2.4 ERP MRP阶段 4
1.3 ERP的主要组成部分 4
1.3.1 物流管理系统 4
1.3.2 生产管理系统 5
1.3.3 财务管理系统 5
1.4 ERP的发展趋势 5
2 ERP系统的应用现状和存在问题 6
2.1 ERP系统与本企业的实际情况不能很好地结合 6
2.2 观念上不重视 6
2.3 经济制度不完善 6
2.4 企业忽视软件基本技能的培训 业务人员素质不适应 7
2.5 企业管理基础差 7
2.6 组织结构和产品结构不合理 8
3 ERP系统存在问题的解决策略 9
3.1 多元化的实施ERP的目标 9
3.2 提高对ERP系统的重视 9
3.3 加强实施队伍建设,培养能掌控ERP系统的高素质的人才 10
3.4 改变企业管理制度,进行业务流程重组 10
3.5 做好ERP上线之前的基础信息数据收集工作 10
3.6 坚持做好ERP应用绩效的评价与改进 11
4 对ERP系统的未来发展设想 12
4.1 ERP系统与云计算技术相结合 12
4.2 ERP将与制造执行系统和过程控制系统更加融合 12
4.3 ERP 功能将会扩展 13
4.4 电子商务将于ERP系统日趋结合起来 13
参考文献 15
后 记 16 [来源:]