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The Countermeasure Research of Chinese Movie Tickets Website Based on O2O Mode [来源:http://www.think58.com]
In recent years movie ticket site as a new way to purchase well-known and has been gradually recognized by the average consumer, this type of platform uses a new model for the online and offline together received the second line, that O2O mode. Our e-commerce industry is growing, the average consumer awareness is increasing for online spending, increasing the proportion of online transactions, while the film has become the most popular leisure consumers, consumer demand in this area huge. Therefore, the movie ticketing sites, this is a huge opportunity for development. However, the emergence of the movie ticket Web site so far, just a few years has exposed a lot of problems, for movie ticketing sites, problems to be solved is how to systematically analyze the current situation and draw Solutions.
In this paper, our movie ticketing site for the study, through the relevant literature at home and abroad in recent years, study and organize, analyze current development movie ticketing site, to establish a basic theoretical model. Using the questionnaire method, movie ticket site's user survey to identify existing problems movie ticketing site and proposed countermeasures. Finally, Guevara life network, for example, to analyze its business model and competitiveness to draw conclusions and recommendations given reference. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Key Words: O2Omode; movie tickets website; Gewara living website



摘要    I
第一章绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1 国外研究现状    1
1.2.2 国内研究现状    2
1.3研究思路及主要研究方法    3
第二章 O2O模式与电影购票网站的现状分析    5
2.1 O2O模式    5
2.1.1 O2O模式的特点    5
2.2.2 O2O模式的发展过程    6
2.2 电影购票网站的现状分析    6
2.1.1 电影购票网站的界定与特点    6
2.1.2 电影购票网站的发展过程    7
2.1.3 我国电影购票网站竞争力的影响因素分析    8


2.1.4 我国电影购票网站的商业模式分析    10
2.3 我国电影购票网站现存的问题    11
第三章我国电影购票网站使用情况的调查分析    13
3.1问卷调查    13
3.1.1 问卷设计    13
3.1.2 问卷发放    13
3.2 问卷统计分析    13
3.3 调查结果    17
第四章我国电影购票网站的对策分析    19
4.1 实现O2O闭环    19
4.2 参与电影票房分账    19
4.3 提高用户体验    20
4.4 SOLOMO模式    20
第五章典型电影购票网站案例分析    21
5.1 格瓦拉生活网简介    21
5.2 格瓦拉生活网商业模式分析    22
5.2.1 运营模式分析    22
5.2.2 竞争力分析    23
第六章结论与展望    25
6.1 研究结论    25
6.2 研究的不足    25

6.3 研究展望    26
参考文献    27
附录    29
致谢    31
