计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
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摘  要
关键词:修正药业; 会计核算;研究
With the continuous development of social economy, accounting has become an important means of reflecting social progress. Enterprise Centralized Accounting transformational business organizations. It is through a combination of means, summarized the event production and business activities have occurred in the past to make the evaluation, and at the same time to make the accounting analysis, to predict the future, be able to provide useful information to achieve the purpose for managers. According to accounting work, the data accumulated to provide a basis for the data management of the whole production process, whether it is the operator or donors, can be learned by the enterprise accounting, if accounting information is not accurate, it is seriously misleading business goals the development and direction of investment, resulting in the loss of funds and other corporate business development consequences. In this paper, we will explore the accounting issues that medicine and the existence of the business solution. Status points that medicine through the accounting system, in-depth analysis of institutions accounting problems and propose appropriate measures for the long-term development that medicine is significant.


Keywords: revised Pharmaceutical; accounting; research
目 录
前言    1
1、会计核算的基本理论    1
1.1会计核算方法    1
1.2核算原则    3
2会计核算中存在的问题及原因分析    5
2.1会计人员整体素质有待提高    5
2.2缺乏有效的会计监督机制    5
2.3不按规定保管会计资料,对会计档案的重视不够    6
2.4会计核算过程中方法落后操作不规范    6
2.5 财务制度的不健全    6
2.6没有规定计提折旧无法如实反映修正药业资产    7
2.7会计核算计算机化的操作不规范    7
3会计核算中存在的问题的解决方法:    8
3.1 提升会计人员素质    8
3.2完善企业内部控制制度,加强外部监管    8
3.3企业内部进行适度的成本核算会计处理    9
3.4 选择正确的资产管理制度    9

3.5充分发挥监督的作用    10
3.6逐步建立起科学的预算管理    10
4.针对具体会计核算问题作出解决方案后企业的发展前景    11
参考文献    12
致 谢    13 [版权所有:http://think58.com]