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The importance of internal audit in internal control

Corporate governance failures is since twenty-first Century a series of financial fraud in the source branch management deficiencies, to a great extent attributed to external governance is not perfect, the external auditor independence is guaranteed, this gave the internal audit to the company governance intervention has provided the opportunity, and WorldCom fraud case internal audit revealed, let the position of inner audit instantly litre, internal audit has thus received more and more attention.With the improvement of importance of internal audit, the United States Securities Exchange and international internal audit association are constantly on internal audit in accordance with the provisions of the relevant revision and perfection. The company will pay more and more attention to the role of internal audit, internal audit itself it must break the traditional areas of restricted, continue to expand its functions and roles, including the supervision, control and evaluation, the basic function of consulting service function. Thus the internal audit can not only improve the quality of financial information and credit, a suppression is ' service fraud case, and can improve the performance of the company, for the organization to bring value rise in value. At the same time the internal audit subject to their own quality and the influence of external environment。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
【Keywords】  internal auditing; corporate governance; the financial management

一、引言    7
(一)选题背景    7
(二)研究目的及意义    7
二、内部审计制度在现代企业治理中的作用    7
(一)内部审计制度的评价作用    7
(二)内部审计制度的监督作用    8
(三)内部审计制度的反馈作用    8
(四)内部审计制度的控制作用    9
三、内部审计制度问题透视    10
(一)内部审计组织模式不合理    10
(二)内部审计制度人员整体素质偏低    11
(三)内部审计制度技术方法落后    13
(四)内部审计制度工作范围狭窄    13
四、改进内部审计制度的措施    15
(一)完善和落实项目资料管理制度,规范基建项目资料管理    15
(二)推行能动式双轨报告关系的内部审计制度组织模式    15


(三)提高现代企业内部审计制度人员整体素质    16
(四)依据现代企业治理要求改进内部审计制度实务工作    16
五、结束语    18
参考文献    19
致谢    20 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]