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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘  要
根据太原市药材有限公司现状,利用互联网、数据库、管理软件平台等专业知识研究设计了一套应用于该公司的小企业财务业务一体化方案,并将“事件驱动”概念引入软件设计中,将公司的业务、财务管理与财务业务一体化信息系统连接起来。系统基于公司的流程重组设计,所以在每一个环节都可以实现数据的共享和部门的对接,整个系统可以有效的协同工作,实用性较强,改变了数据和信息的传递方式。太原市药材有限公司的财务业务一体化信息系统在使用阶段就可以生成财务会计数据,同时生成业务数据,其目的是变换公司管理的模式,并成功实现数据信息分享,让员工和管理者就能轻松掌握系统的运用,使业务办理顺序明朗化,提高了公司的管控效率,终而达到了真正的财务业务一体化。 [来源:http://www.think58.com]


Taking Taiyuan Medicinal Materials co., LTD. of Shanxi province for example, this essay analyzed the outstanding problems of the present situation of finance and business of the company through the expression of basic theoretical knowledge of financial business integration, referenced a large number of domestic and foreign literature, understood use of the integration of financial and business conditions at home and abroad , formulated a set of conducive financial business integration system to the development of the company operation , and researched successful measures to keep the security of application of this system.
Taiyuan Medicines Ltd. which is seen as a pharmaceutical sales agent, in order to synchronize both financial data and business data, it carried out the integration of financial operations.This option established the correspondence between multiple systems, strengthened the healthy docking between system data, and made an integration of business and financial systems. At the same time, the company made all the business clear, so that let the concealed drawbacks of business processes come out. To make the accounting easier, let the company’s business management process integrated into the new financial business integration system. The integration of financial and business played an important strategic position in the company’s reform. It can help optimizing and restructuring process management; promote enterprises to speed up the change of management model. [版权所有:http://think58.com]
Based on Taiyuan Medicinal Materials co., LTD., this paper designed a set of financial business integration solutions, with the help of network management, software platform, database, and other professional knowledge; it also introduced the concept of event driven computer in the design of the software. The company's business management and financial management are included into the integration of financial and business information systems. System based on the company's restructuring process design, so it can realize the sharing of data and the department of docking in every link, the whole system can work together effectively, strong practicability. Taiyuan medicinal materials co., LTD. come into the financial and business integration stage, it can change the way of information transmission, at the same time of the business data generates, the accounting data is automatically generated. This system eventually can realize financial business integration, information integration and sharing, but also changes the company management mode, and more straightforward than ever before, faster and more transparent, it can greatly improve the effectiveness of internal control. [来源:http://www.think58.com]

Keywords: Process Carding, Information Sharing, Financial Management
目  录
摘  要    1
第1章  绪论    1
1.1 研究背景和意义    1
1.1.1 研究背景    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2 国内外文献综述    2
1.2.1 国外文献综述    2
1.2.2 国内文献综述    3
1.3 研究内容与方法    4
1.4 主要工作和创新    4
1.5 论文的基本结构    4
第2章  企业财务业务一体化管理研究的基础理论    6
2.1财务业务一体化管理的基本思想    6
2.2 财务一体化管理的基本模式    6
2.3 财务与业务管理流程    8
第3章  太原市药材有限公司财务业务信息化的现状及分析    10
3.1太原市药材有限公司的发展现状    10


3.2公司的信息化历程    10
3.3实施财务业务一体化面临的问题    11
3.3.1财务系统和其他业务系统没有连结    11
3.3.2公司管理的观念相对薄弱    11
3.3.3员工统一协调工作难度大    12
3.3.4 不同系统、不同类型的数据共享困难    12
第4章  财务业务一体化管理设计方案    13
4.1公司财务业务一体化目标    13
4.2 财务业务一体化设计的整体思路    14
4.3 财务业务一体化设计的原则    14
4.4 信息技术支持    15
4.5 财务业务一体化具体实施方案    16
4.5.1系统中财务业务数据共享方法    16
4.5.2梳理公司业务流程    17
4.5.3财务与业务系统对接    19
4.5.4规范信息标准    20
4.5.5实现预算、成本、资金与业务信息的共享    22
4.6对接、优化财务系统与业务系统过程    25

4.6.1财务系统和资金管理系统对接    25
4.6.2财务系统和成本管理系统对接    25
4.6.3资金管理系统的优化    26
4.6.4成本管理系统的优化    29
4.6.5检验财务与业务信息数据一致性    29
4.7财务业务一体化管理预期效果    29
4.7.1 能提升工作效率    30
4.7.2 强化资金管理和成本控制    30
4.7.3 能提升企业竞争力    30
第5章  公司财务业务一体化管理保障措施    31
5.1规范内部控制    31
5.2建立风险评估、风险控制机制    32
结论与展望    35
1.结论    35
2、展望    36
参考文献    37
