计算机 JAVA 电子信息 单片机 机械机电 模具 土木工程 建筑结构 论文
热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC



摘 要


关键词  汽车制造业  融资结构  东风汽车公司

    Business financing structure and company a company has a crucial position, the financing structure is one of the important financial decisions, including a corporate financing behavior represents the financial management decision of a company, it will be able to maintain long-term stability of the corporate governance structure of the state, on the other hand, to promote the rapid development of national economic market. In recent years, the rapid development of automobile manufacturing industry has become one of the pillars of China's rapid economic development. The company's financial management decision by the attention, in our country, the financing difficulty is a common problem for every enterprise, the financing structure of our country in its overall debt, and equity are to be improved. To improve the financing structure of our country, improve the corporate governance effect, promote the development of China's market economy, the financing structure of the company is of great significance to improve the development of market economy in china. [来源:http://think58.com]
    This paper takes Dongfeng Motor Corporation as the research object, based on the analysis of reference books, combined with the Dongfeng Motor Corporation's case, analysis of financing structure in China, improve the capital financing structure of China's automobile manufacturing industry, and promote the stable development of China's automobile manufacturing industry, to analyze the influencing factors of the financing structure of China's automobile manufacturing industry the proposed optimization of the financing structure of our country's recommendations provide a useful reference for China's automobile manufacturing industry financing structure development and progress.
    Key words  Automobile manufacturing industry  financing structure    Dongfeng Motor Corporation

Abstract    1
一、绪论    4
(一)研究背景    4
(二)研究目的及意义    4

(三)国内外研究现状    4
二、汽车制造业公司融资结构情况    4
(一)我国的汽车业现状    4
(二)我国的融资结构现状    4
三、东风汽车公司融资结构状况分析    5
(一)东风汽车公司简介    5
(二)东风汽车公司融资结构    5
四、对我国融资结构的建议    7
(一)提高内部治理的效率    7
(二)促进企业债券发展    7
(三)减少政府直接干预    7
结  论    8
致  谢    9
参考文献    10 [资料来源:http://THINK58.com]