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[摘要] 财务报表是一家企业记录其财务状况和经营成果的一个信息载体,财务报表分析的基本职能就是将财务报表所记载的信息转为为财务报表使用者所需要的相关有用信息。通过对财务报表分析可以预测公司未来发展趋势,评价企业经营成果,为债权人,投资人,管理层决策提供参考依据。本文将首先阐述财务报表分析的概念和分析的作用,之后引出财务报表分析方法中的比较分析法和因素分析法,通过两种分析法分析山煤国际的财务报表,总结两种方法局限性并探究可行的改进方法和山煤国际公司财务报表问题改进方法。

[关键词] 财务报表分析  比较分析法  因素分析法  局限性  改进方法

Research on analysis method of financial statement of listing Corporation -- SHANXI COAL INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CO.,LTD as an example
[Abstract] Financial statement is an information carrier for a company to record its financial position and operating results. The basic function of financial analysis is to turn the information recorded in the financial statements to the relevant useful information for the users of financial statements. Through the analysis of the financial statements,the future development trend of the Forecast Ltd,the evaluation of the results of the business,for the creditors, investors, management decisions to provide a reference basis. In this paper, we first analyze the concept and the role of financial statement analysis, then lead to the analysis of two methods of financial statements analysis and factor analysis, through two kinds of analysis method of Shanxi Coal International Energy Group . financial statements, summarized the limitations of the two methods and explore feasible methods of improving the financial statements of the Shanxi Coal International Energy Group .


[Keywords] Financial statement analysis  Comparative analysis  factor analysis; Limitations  Improved method
目  录
引言    1
一、财务报表分析概述    2
(一)财务报表分析定义    2
(二)财务报表分析的作用    2
(三)财务报表分析方法    3
二、山煤国际财务报表分析    4
(一)山煤国际公司简介    4
(二)偿债能力分析    5
(三)山煤国际公司财务报表分析结果总结和改进建议    18
三、财务报表分析方法存在的问题    19
(一)比较分析法的局限    20
(二)因素分析法的局限    21
(三) 比较分析法的改进    21
(四)因素分析法的改进    22
四、结论    23
致谢语    24
参考文献    25
