
密 惠 保
摘 要
通过研究发现,造成小微企业融资难现状的原因,除经济下行因素外,小微企业自身,金融机构以及政府部门都存在小微企业融资的制约因素。首先小微企业自身经营管理方式落后,财务不规范,抗风险能力,是造成小微企业难以融资的首要原因。其次,以银行为主的金融机构信贷产品单一,贷款流程复杂,银行重大轻小、嫌贫爱富现象突出是形成小微企业融资难的另一个重要原因。另外,政府未能创造公平的市场竞争环境,相关政策落实不到位,担保体系不健全是制约小微企业融资的重要外在因素。本文针对这些存在的问题,给出了相对应的解决方案。首先,小微企业要规范财务制度,加强信用观念,提高经营管理水平,苦练内功,提升自身实力是解决融资难的关键所在。其次,商业银行要对自身的信贷方式和产品进行创新,对小微企业的服务体系进行优化,同时增加对小微企业的信贷支持力度。最后,政府要优化金融生态,加大对小微企业的财政支持力度,加强市场引导,提升政府部门管理水平。 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Small & micro-enterprises have been rapid developing after the reform and development of China and they have been playing a important role in creating jobs, increasing government revenue, promoting fair competition in the market and social stability.Taking the city of Taiyuan for example, the added value of the small & micro-enterprise in 2013 completed 131.376 billion yuan, accounting for 54.44% of the GDP ,and the growth is 3.94% higher than the city's GDP growth; completed taxes27.576 billion yuan, accounting for 55.61% of the fiscal revenue and the growth is 5.5% higher than the growth of the city's fiscal revenue. These two indicators are both around 55%, an all-time best.
Since entering 2014, however, affected by the economic environment,the economy of Taiyuan ontinues to run, low in the first quarter, regional gross domestic product (GDP) is 52.749 billion yuan, rose only 0.1%, close to zero.The industry of Coal ,tar and iron continue to deep dip,and the small & micro-enterprise develops difficultly, which leads the banks are more cautious to the small & micro-enterprise ,resulting in the financing expensive phenomenon intensified.To alleviate the financing difficulties and promote the development of small & micro-enterprise of Taiyuan are a matter of overall and long-term development. Based on the actual survey of the small & micro-enterprise in the city of Taiyuan , through the field survey of 40 samples enterprises,this article tries to reveal the financing problems of small & micro-enterprise and the causes of credit constraints and puts forward relevant countermeasures. [资料来源:http://think58.com]
Through the study the author found that in addition to the economic downturn factors, the constraints of the small & micro-enterprise financing difficulty also existe in the small & micro-enterprises themself,the financial institutions and government departments.First, the backward management way, financial irregularities, anti-risk ability of the small & micro-enterprise are the main reasons for small & micro-enterprise financing difficulties. Second, the single credit products of bank-based financial institutions,the complex loan program and the preferences of bank to the big and wealthy company are another important reasons resulting in the small & micro-enterprise financing difficulty. In addition, the government failed to create a fair market competition environment, policy implementation does not reach the designated position, guarantee system is an important external factor of restricting small & micro-enterprise financing. To solve above problems, the author puts forward the corresponding countermeasures.First,the the small & micro-enterprise should standardize the financial system, strengthen credit concept, improve the level of management and itself strength are the key to solve the financing difficulties.Second,commercial banks should innovate the credit products and perfect service system to increase support for small & micro-enterprise financing. In the end, the government should optimize the financial ecological, increase financial support to the small & micro-enterprise, strengthen market guidance,and enhance the level of government management.
Through this research, the author hopes to make the financing of the small & micro-enterprise in the city of Taiyuan internal and external environment had been improved to some extent, building a reasonable financing system and an effective solution to the financing problems of small & micro-enterprise.
Keywords:Taiyuan, Small & micro-enterprise, Financing issues, Solution
摘 要 1
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的 1
1.1.3 研究意义 2
1.2 国内外研究综述及评价 2
1.2.1 国外研究概况 2
1.2.2 国内相关文献 3
1.3 研究思想与内容 6
1.3.1 研究的基本思路 6
1.3.2 主要的研究方法 7
1.3.3 创新与不足 7 [资料来源:www.THINK58.com]
第2章 小微企业融资相关理论概念 8
2.1 小微企业融资的概念 8
2.1.1 融资的概念 8
2.1.2 小微企业的界定 8
2.1.3 小微企业融资方式 9
2.2 小微企业融资理论基础 10
2.2.1 信息不对称理论 10
2.2.2 资本结构论 11
2.2.3 优序融资理论 11
2.2.4 关系型融资理论 11
2.2.5 信贷配给理论 11
第3章 太原市小微企业概况 12
3.1 太原市小微企业基本情况介绍 12
3.2太原市小微企业融资环境 13
3.2.1 政府设立中小企业发展基金 13
3.2.2 政府建立中小微企业担保风险补偿机制 13
3.2.3 不断拓宽企业融资渠道 13
3.2.4 太原市资本市场培育加快 14
第4章 太原市小微企业融资现状及存在问题 14
4.1 研究样本的选取 14
4.1.1 调查问卷设计 15
4.1.2 调查方法与调查过程 15
4.2 样本企业调研情况分析 15
4.2.1 样本企业行业分布 15
4.2.2 样本企业规模分布 16
4.2.3 样本企业融资情况分析 18
4.3 研究结论 22
4.3.1 长期融资严重不足 22
4.3.2 融资成本高 22
4.3.3 可供选择的金融产品少 22
4.3.4 经营者信用观念较弱 22
4.3.5 贷款担保方式以联保、交叉担保或抵押为主 23
第5章 太原市小微企业融资困境原因分析 23
5.1 小微企业自身 23
5.1.1 小微企业自有资金有限 23
5.1.2 经营管理方式落后 24
5.1.3 财务不规范、信用状况差 24
5.1.4 缺乏契约精神、道德风险突出 25
5.1.5 抗风险能力低 25
5.1.6 缺乏有效的抵押和担保 25
5.2 银行层面 26
5.2.1 银行对贷款风险把控更加谨慎 26
5.2.2 银行重大轻小、嫌贫爱富现象突出 26
5.2.3 贷款程序复杂 27
5.2.4 银行加大了信贷责任追究强度 27
5.2.5 银行信贷产品单一 28
5.2.6 抵押担保条件过于苛刻 28
5.3 政府层面 29
5.3.1 政府未能提供充分竞争的经济环境 29
5.3.2 直接融资渠道门槛过高 29
5.3.3 缺乏专门为小微企业服务的金融机构 29
5.3.4 小微企业融资政策落实不到位 30
5.3.5 担保体系不够完善 30
第6章 太原市小微企业融资难的解决对策 31
6.1 小微企业自身角度 31
6.1.1 建立现代企业制度 31
6.1.2 不断创新提升自身实力 31
6.1.3 规范各种财务管理制度 32
6.1.4 强化企业信用观念 32
6.1.5 发挥产业集群优势 32
6.2 金融机构角度 33
6.2.1 银行要提高向小型微型企业的信贷支持力度 33
6.2.2 银行要对信贷产品和方式创新 33
6.2.3 完善信贷管理办法 34
6.2.4 完善客户经理制度 34
6.2.5 提升银行服务小微企业专业性 35
6.3 政府角度 35
6.3.1 加大财政支持力度,创造良好发展环境 35
6.3.2 完善融资环境,清除企业融资障碍 36
6.3.3 加强市场引导,强化企业实力 36
6.3.4 改善社会服务体系,提升管理业务水平 37
6.4 案例分析:政银企合力破解融资难---建行“助保贷”业务分析 38
6.4.1 产品介绍 38
6.4.2 产品特点 38
6.4.3 太原市“助保贷”项目介绍 38
6.4.4 太原市“助保贷”项目开展情况 39
6.4.5 太原市“助保贷”项目评价 40
结论与展望 41
1. 结论 41
2. 展望 42
附录 43
附录1 43
附录2 44
参考文献 45 [资料来源:THINK58.com]