
密 惠 保
关键词:服装企业 网络营销 红豆男装
THESIS:About the traditional clothing brand B2C transformation strategy research -- Taking the red bean as an example
With the rapid development of the Internet and the growing number of Chinese Internet users, online shopping because of its convenient, cost-effective, has become one of the urban fashion life. The development of information technology has provided a good opportunity for the development of online retail industry, China has emerged a number of outstanding B2C enterprises, especially in the clothing market, these outstanding enterprises have begun a fierce competition. China's manufacturing enterprises are numerous, and the homogeneity of the clothing B2C enterprises is very serious, resulting in the fierce competition among enterprises. Therefore, for apparel online retailers, how to carry out network marketing to develop their own sustainable competitiveness has become a very important issue. By using a combination of theoretical analysis and case analysis, this method, first of all to the clothing business enterprise network marketing environment were more detailed analysis, then to red men's, for example, focusing on the description of the network marketing brand strategy, red men's market positioning analysis, and on this basis, expounds the red men's marketing mix strategy. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
KEY WORDS: Clothing enterprise Network marketing Red bean
目 录
1引言 5
1.1研究的背景 5
1.2 相关概念阐述 5
1.3研究的意义与目的 6
2.为什么要转型? 7
2.1传统商业模式与电商B2C的利弊分析 7
2.2目前两种模式的生存状态 7
2.3发展前景 8
3.怎么转型?-以红豆男装为例 8
3.1服装电商B2C市场环境分析 8
3.1.1红豆品牌由来 8
3.1.2市场竞争分析 9
3.1.3 SWOT分析 9
3.2红豆男装转型案例分析 10
3.2.1红豆男装的电商B2C策略 10
3.2.2利弊分析 11
4.传统服装品牌B2C转型方案建议 12
4.1 电商B2C内部定位 12
4.2如何构建品牌策略 13
4.3互联网思维的营销策略 13
5.传统服装品牌B2C转型的优势 15
6.结论 18
参考文献 19
致谢 20 [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]