
密 惠 保
关键词:金泰高尔夫球场 经营现状 对策分析
Abstract: Golf and football are to one of the world's most popular sport, of course and football is not the same place is that golf this campaign aimed at the society of middle - and upper class people, with certain commercial and elegance. In China since the eighties of the last century began to introduce golf this sport, a lot of golf courses into the beginning of Jintai golf course is in the background of establishment and development. Because of China's social and economic development level and the western developed countries have a certain gap, in the promotion of golf, mainly for high-end business people or in the upper middle class. This way, to a large extent, there is no way to do the popularity of the sport. This paper will combine Jintai golf course and the actual situation of the court itself, in the full analysis of the current operating status of the court under the premise, according to the court, the current state of development put forward his own suggestions and opinions and help Jintai golf course long transport sustainable development [来源:http://www.think58.com]
Key words: Kim golf course; management situation; countermeasure analysis
目 录
摘要: 1
关键词: 1
1 引言 1
2 今泰高尔夫球场的位置和现状介绍 2
2.1 营口市鲅鱼圈区的相关情况 2
2.2 今泰高尔夫球场的相关情况 2
3 金泰高尔夫球场经营面临的主要问题 3
3 . 1 高尔夫球运动定位不准确 3
3 . 2 在现有经营模式中缺乏对成本的控制 3
4 改变经营现状和水平的办法 4
4 . 1 正确定位高尔夫球运动 4
4 . 2 重视高尔夫球场地设施的多元化经营和整合经营 4
4 . 3 树立正确的投资管理理念、组建专业的管理团队 5
5 结语 6
致谢 7
参考文献 8