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With the economic reform in twentieth Century, the scale of small and medium enterprises in our country is changing, and the impact on society is more and more big. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to a certain extent, affect the development of China's economy, the national economy is not a part of the lack of. The small and medium-sized enterprise not only occupies an important position in our country, but also has the important status in the world, especially some developed countries. After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's small and medium enterprises have made great progress, which has made important contributions to our country's economy, but there is still a gap between the level of development and the western developed countries. At present, the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country have great influence on the socialist market economy, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises can promote the sustained and healthy growth of the national economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises, the development cycle is: "develop a growth decline", but we are eager to do unlimited extension of the development cycle, because it is difficult to achieve the desired development cycle, so the path of development of SMEs is tortuous. Now the main problem is the development of small and medium enterprises financing is difficult, and the problem of financing has become a global issue of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, countries around the world have taken various measures to solve this problem. [资料来源:THINK58.com]
Key words: small and medium sized enterprises; financing; venture capital; channel

在改革开放初期,由于历史的原因,对企业来说,被删除。改革开放后,提供公共和私营部门的社会党是非常有用的很多中小企业,时间加入到这个春天,风的关键改革。一般情况下,企业的发展已经经历了三次重大的影响:第一,它是城市和农村的第三次全体会议于小型个体企业首次独立专家,在另一方面,邓小平先生韩国旅游业对经济发展起着一些企业关键作用而且还导致了科学的配方和技术;特别是第三次全体会议上,联合国的大会和共产党的十六大,一些不属于经济的发展,企业的支持和私营部门和其他提案的经济发展指导国务院建议“不是公共财产尼泊尔与政府和利益共同体的共产党,还是未知数是中国最大的企业还是未知数发展方向之一。就目前情况来看,中小型企业在国民经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用,市场经济的完善和增加就业岗位维持社会稳定都离不开中小型企业的贡献。并开始民间投资,优化经济结构,加快生产力,稳定和国民经济的可持续发展的发展,增加财政收入,加强社会生产专业化,促进市场过程和一个等方面一个非常重要的措施,以促进经济发展,作为替代,研究中表明,中小型企业比较符合现有的中国经济的发展模式,因此,应当把中小型企业的发展放在首位,应当让中小型企业“快乐”发展,让投资商“快乐”投资,让中小型企业飞速发展,让其不仅成为如今中国经济增长的关键,还要让其成为主要的推动力。 [资料来源:THINK58.com]