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任何一个零售商,无论其规模多大,也无论其货架上的物品是何其的物美价廉,其选址必须准确,恰当的地址能带给你比较好的商圈,而商圈又是企业的生命之所在。因此,简而言之,选址很重要,不可小视。一片土地,在一些人眼里显得很简单,但在另一些人眼里就会复杂起来。更多的人则喜欢将以下这句话当作店铺经营的“圣言”:LOCATION,LOCATION , AND LOCATION.(店址,店址,还是店址)因此,为了保证超市的将来的良好效益和前景,我们首先必须对超市的选址进行分析。人人乐超市是一家即将开张的大型超市,集购物、娱乐、交友以及休闲等多项活动为一体的大型超市。所以在超市的选址方面下了大功夫。此篇文章主要介绍了人人乐的概况以及企业文化,产品及服务以及产品分类,人人乐超市的选址策略分析,商业环境门面选址和商圈选址分析,新店的营业面积和商品结构,新店的市场定位和经营特色,新店址经营效益预估,新店未来前景分析等进行了简单的分析介绍。

Abstract:Any retailer, regardless of what their size, regardless of their goods on the shelves is too inexpensive, its location must be accurate and appropriate address can bring you a better shopping district, and district and is the where he lives. So, in short, the site is very important, it can not be discounted. Piece of land, in some people's eyes appeared to be very simple, but in other people's eyes will be complicated. More people prefer the following sentence as shop operators "Word":. LOCATION, LOCATION, AND LOCATION (shop, shop, or shop) Therefore, in order to ensure the future of the supermarket and good benefits prospects, we must first analyze the supermarket site. Everyone likes the supermarket will be opened a large supermarket, shopping, entertainment, friends and leisure activities as one of a number of large supermarkets. Therefore regards the location of the supermarket a big effort. This article introduces an overview of all music and corporate culture, site selection policy analysis products and services as well as product category, and everybody likes the supermarket, the business environment and business district facade site location analysis, store business area and product mix, new store market positioning and operating characteristics, the new shop operating efficiency estimates, analysis and future prospects of the new store had a simple analysis introduction.


Keywords: Supermarket Function Location
西安市人人乐购物超市选址方案    1
1企业概况    1
1企业简介    1
1.2产品及服务    1
2人人乐超市的选址策略分析    2
2.1选址标准    2
2.2选址原则    2
2.3消费者需求分析    2
3.商业环境    3
3.1我国超市的现状    3
3.2.竞争对手分析    3
3.2.1距离较近的大型商场的竞争    3
3.2.2就近的小店的竞争。    3
3.3、新商场顾客的消费特点及消费层次的粗劣划分    4
3.4劣势分析    4
4门面选址和商圈选址分析    6
4.1.区域位置选择    6
4.2.人人乐对商圈的要求    6
4.3、商圈的特性    8
4.3商圈理论与零售经营管理    9
4.3.1.商圈理论与零售店的选址    9


4.3.2.商圈理论与零售店日常经营管理    9
4.4.店址选定的程序    10
5.新店的营业面积和商品结构    11
5.1营业面积    11
5.2商品结构布局    11
6.新店的市场定位和经营特色    13
7新店址经营效益预估    14
7.1预估营业额(每月)    14
7.2新店未来前景分析    14
总结    16
谢辞    17
参考文献    18