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摘 要
Production activities in the objective existence of a variety of insecurity. Fire exits blocked, occupation, logos incomplete acceptance of the presence of dead office security, fire extinguishers and configuration is not standardized, and many other factors of insecurity. Do a good job of production safety management is the objective requirements. Production must be safe, in order to produce safety. If you do not pay attention or slight negligence, it will cause accidents, causing huge economic losses and bad political influence. Production management system to establish a secure life and property safety of the working people played a role in safeguarding the importance of normal production activity is carried out can not be ignored.


    Strengthen the comprehensive, full, full, full-time, the whole process of security management, adherence to the "people-oriented, focusing on prevention, comprehensive treatment" principle, to build vertical and horizontal cooperation, linking security and orderly production of "three-dimensional" security network. Security management to progressive and innovative. Facing the new situation, new situation, we must continue to study and explore, in terms of safety management concepts, methods, measures and means of constant innovation, so often talk about new, always be emphasized new, the management more targeted, forward-looking, more practical and productive.
Keywords: enterprise; production safety; management
1.绪论    1
1.1问题的提出    1
1.2国内外研究及发展趋势    2
1.2.1国内研究现状分析    2
1.2.2国外研究现状分析    3
1.3本文的研究内容与思路    4

2.XX企业安全生产管理的现状    4
2.1公司安全生产管理制度    4
2.2公司安全生产事故统计    6
3.XX企业安全生产管理存在的主要问题    7
4.完善XX企业安全生产管理的对策与建议    8
4.1加强企业文化建设与培训    8
4.2加强企业安全生产制度管理    10
4.4加强企业绩效评价    11
5结论    11
参考文献    12
致谢    13