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The growth of enterprises can not be separated from the fund, at present, the traditional financing mode is difficult to meet the high risk of small and medium enterprises high investment high return of financing needs, which seriously hindered the development of small and medium enterprises. For the construction of multi-level capital market in China, the establishment and improvement of the new three board market is an important link that can not be ignored. Development of the new three board market is also an effective way to ease the financing problems of small and medium enterprises. This paper discusses the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in the actual situation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the new three board financing analysis, discusses the new three board market development status and as a part of the multi-level capital market. On this basis, it points out that the new three board market can provide a new way for small and medium-sized enterprise financing, but the new three board market is still in the initial stage of development, there are still some problems and shortcomings, this paper puts forward reasonable suggestions, can promote the development of China's new three board market and small and medium enterprise financing. [资料来源:http://www.THINK58.com]
Key words: three new board market; small and medium enterprises; financing; strategy

摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
引言    1
1.我国新三板市场发展现状及概况    1
1.1“新三板”定义及发展历程    1
1.2“新三板”市场的发展现状    2
1.2.1企业挂牌概况分析    2
1.2.2发展新三板对我国资本市场的意义    4
2. 中小企业融资现状分析    5
2.1中小企业融资现状分析    5
2.2新三板对中小企业发展的利弊分析    6
2.2.1新三板市场对中小企业的有利影响    6
2.2.2新三板市场对科技型中小企业的不利影响    7
2.2.3增加了企业的费用支出    7
3.新三板市场融资存在的问题的对策    8
3.1新三板市场融资存在的问题    8
3.1.1新三板市场的直接融资功能有限    8 [资料来源:THINK58.com]
3.1.2新三板市场的流动性不容乐观    8
3.1.3新三板市场的转板机制还不够完善    9
3.2解决新三板市场融资的对策    9
3.2.1降低投资者准入门槛,做好投资者管理    9
3.2.2加快推出做市商制度    10
3.2.3完善转板制度,建立绿色转板通道    11
结语    12
参考文献    12
致谢    13
