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热门搜索词:网络 ASP.NET 汽车 电气 数控 PLC




摘    要


关键词:Bigbang   Hip-hop   品牌策略


Bigbang with strong music ability, personality, fashion style, amazing stage charm conquered numerous fans at home and abroad, many musicians such as recognition, known as opening a new era of idol group, leading the South Korea and even the new trend of the Asian music scene. Now Bigbang is one of the most popular combination in South Korea, they have been excellent music capabilities,strong personality style,amazing stage charisma conquered millions of fans,it’s not only its members own aptitude and hard work,but the company’s brandstrategy of combination is also an important factor. This paper analyzes the successful Bigbang combination on the brand that lead the Korean pop music and fashion,including Hip-hop accurate brand positioning,excellent brand design. and successful brand extension 2NE1 combination,to explore characteristics of Korean pop music culture industry brand development,and to explore the Chinese music brand development can learn where to Korean Entertainment. [来源:http://www.think58.com]

Key words: Bigbang  Hip-hop  brand strategy 

目    录

引言    1
一、Bigbang的品牌定位    1
二、Bigbang的盈利模式    1
三、Bigbang的品牌效应    2
(一)聚合效应和磁场效应    2
(二)衍生效应和宣传效应    2
四、Bigbang品牌发展带给中国流行音乐文化产业的借鉴之处    3
(一)中国流行音乐发展现状    3
(二)中国娱乐公司可以学习韩国方法之处    4
结论    7
参考文献    8